When you become thoughtlessly aware, you become present in the present Urania, Vienna (Austria)

Public Program Day 3. Urania, Vienna (Austria), 6 September 1983. I bow to all the seekers of Spirit. We have already heard about the Kundalini, the chakras, the balancing process in our body. Now, when the Kundalini rises and when She crosses this center called as Agnya Chakra, then you become thoughtlessly aware, called as Nirvichara Samadhi. A thought rises and falls off, another thought comes and falls off; it disappears into the past. It may come from future or from past, but in between these two thoughts there is a gap and this gap is the present. So when you become thoughtlessly aware, you become present in the present, because there are no thoughts coming from the past or from the future. See, as I see you just now as you are, I don’t have to think about, I know you are there. And if this state exists for everything – that you don’t have to think about it – the knowledge is absolutely identified with your mind. So this process of thinking cannot be stopped by any other method but Kundalini awakening. But sometimes, if you get possessed by something, then maybe you just don’t know what you are doing, you are just confused. That’s a state where you are not yourself, you are not aware. But this I’m telling you about thoughtless awareness. At this stage also you start manifesting certain powers of that stage. Like as if you become governor, then you get the powers of Read More …