Whatever is the truth is to be known through the light of your Spirit Sala Borromini, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Rome (Italy)

Public Program Day 1. Rome (Italy), 8 September 1983. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Today is a great auspicious day where I’m here on the birthday of Mother Mary, but today I am going to talk to you about reality and about truth. Whatever is the truth is to be known through the light of your Spirit. You can see in this world, in these modern times, we have developed so many sorts of things which proclaim that they know the truth. There are institutions who say that they are the ones who are agencies of truth, but we must understand that truth is something that has to be known through your consciousness. You must know it through your central nervous system. When we evolve to be a human being whatever we could know through our central nervous system is the real truth, and once you know the truth, you reach the source of joy that is your Spirit. Now, to know the truth, people have gone to various type of enterprises, and also to feel joy they have tried all kind of alternatives which now so many realize was not alright because they have landed now in a very precarious position; any day it might explode to ruin this world. For example, first man thought that if he was a powerful country, or a powerful human being he can overpower others and can grab them and by that can enjoy the power, but somehow at present Read More …