The tree of life resides within you Houston (United States)

1983-0920 Public Program, Day 1, Houston, USA I bow to all the seekers of truth. What Dr. Brown has told you is true: that the time has come and that the nature itself gives you quite a lot of blessings to understand, that the time has come for you to be something more than what you are, a special blossom time where you find so many people in this world who are seeking the truth. Never in history you have so many people who are seeking the truth. Why is it in these modern times there are so many people all over the world who are seeking God? A great poet, William Blake*, who lived about a hundred years back in England, had already predicted that the men of God, meaning the seekers, will be born on this Earth and they will become prophets and they will have powers to make others prophets. This is his prophecy. This prophecy is very deep and to understand it you have to know that this great time when so many people who are men of God, because they are seeking the truth, they are seeking something beyond, they are not satisfied with what they had achieved and they have to become prophets. One can’t believe that you can just become a prophet overnight. But I say in just a split of a second you can become. One may say it’s too fantastic, how can you be? We don’t believe ourselves. We have no Read More …

Guru Puja: this finger has to be strong Houston (United States)

Guru Puja, Houston (USA), September 20th,1983 [Shri Mataji talks aside to a Sahaja Yogi.] Shri Mataji: …Then you can say the 108 Names of Shri Vishnu, or Guru’s, have you got Guru’s names? Sahaja Yogi: Yes. It’s next door… Shri Mataji: Guru’s. For Vishuddhi, Guru’s names are better. It’s a good idea. All ten Guru’s names … So, all right. So, today first we have Ganesha Puja because Ganesha is innocence and we have to establish Him in any place where we want to start a work or do anything about it. Because He’s innocence and innocence was created before everything else was created. It’s the most powerful power, I should say, innocence. And then we’ll do the Guru Puja which is actually the Adi Guru, the Primordial Master, who incarnated on this earth many a times. And, as you know as Dattatreya, He was born, as Janaka, Nanaka and many others. That principle is within us and that is very important that we should develop the principle of Guru Nanak or Janaka or anyone of these primordial masters within. Because if the Spirit is the master, we have to become the master of ourselves. And the power of the masters are, that they are the essences of the innocence of the Creator, of the Sustainer and the Destroyer. They are the innocence of all these. Out of them, this great personality, innocence of these three personalities, was created this great incarnation.And their innocence is shown by their detachment to Read More …