The Truth that we are seeking has to be achieved, understood and felt through a very open mind Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Boston (United States)

1983-1011 Public Program, Day 1, Boston, USA I bow to all the seekers of Truth and the Truth that we are seeking has to be achieved, understood and felt through a very open mind. You cannot conceive the Truth with your mental activity, and you cannot form your own ideas and conventions about it. Like a scientist, you have to keep your mind open to achieve it. Moreover it is an evolutionary process, the process by which you have become a human being. And logically, it should follow, that you cannot put in any effort to become the higher personality. You have put in no effort for your evolution so far. Thirdly, you have paid no money to become a human being. God doesn’t understand money. This is created by human beings. God has no sense of money and He doesn’t know also, perhaps, how maddening it is for human beings. So you cannot pay for it. It’s something ridiculous to think that you can pay for your ascent, or to say that you can go into a course of realization, because it is a living process of your evolution – a living process. If we understand the living process, you will understand Sahaja Yoga much better. If you have to sprout a seed, you just put it in the Mother Earth and She sprouts it. How much money do you give Her? She doesn’t understand money. She only knows how to sprout the seed. So when you put the Read More …