The real seekers will find the real way Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Boston (United States)

1983-1012 Public Program Day 2, Boston, USA I bow to all the seekers of Truth. Definitely it is evident today that you have come here all the way in the rain to seek the Truth, that you are real seekers. And the real seekers will find the real way. Whatever they may do, whatever wrong path they may take, they may identify themselves with wrong things also and may oppose, in the beginning, the Truth. But ultimately they will all find the real path as long as they do not try to deceive themselves.  The awakening of the Kundalini is not a new thing as you people may be thinking. It has been done since sixteenth century back where it is said Indra, the God King, was given realization. So you can imagine, that is called as Siddhendra – means that Indra was made whole here, and there’s a place where it was done in India. It’s a very ancient thing, and at the time of Rama also, there was a fellow called Nachiketa who came to Rama’s father-in-law, Janaka, and asked Him if he could get his Self realization. And the father-in-law said, “You can ask anything but not for your realization.” He said, “No, I don’t want anything else but realization.” And they say that He put him to test many a times for years and then he was the first who got realization at the time of Shri Ram.  It is very interesting that how this system Read More …