History of Self-realization Hove Town Hall, Hove (England)

Public Program Day 2, 1984-07-26 I bow to all the seekers of truth. Yesterday we talked about the power that lies within us which is the power of the Holy Ghost and which has to give us the Self-realization. Now, one may say that we have never heard about such a thing, it’s a very new idea but this is the knowledge of the roots. In the West we have the knowledge of the tree and somebody must also have the knowledge of the roots – there’s nothing objectionable about it. Like in the East people learnt about Science and other knowledge that the Western people gathered, in the same way, when this tree of life grew so big there was a search inside as well and when that search started, they in their meditative processes, they found out that within us lies the power which can give us Self-realization. But this very, very ancient discovery – this is nothing new that I’m telling you. Only thing is that today the time has come, the blossom time has come, that many can get Self-realization. But Self-realization history is very, very ancient that it is said that about 16000 years back the king of all the Gods, called Indra, got his realization. I don’t know in Greeks, Greek language what He is called as but He is the one, who got his realization in a place called Chidendra means, He was made, the hole was made into His head – Chidendra. Read More …

Radio Interview Brighton (England)

Radio Interview. Brighton (UK), 26 July 1984. Interviewer: This time show. Now nowadays there are many people who reach a state of depression, unsure which way they should turn, often taking drugs to compensate, looking to religious or alternative lifestyles to shed a new light on their lives when now apparently a silent revolution has been growing, led by a spiritual leader, Shri Mataji. I am pleased to welcome Her to the studio now. Hello, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hello. Interviewer: Now, first of all, let’s talk about the thing that you, the process you are involved in. It’s called Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji: Yes. Interviewer: First of all, let’s ascertain what exactly yoga is. Shri Mataji: Yoga means, there are two meanings to word yoga. The first meaning is the union with the Divine that your attention becomes one with the Divine, or you can say that you become one with the Spirit. Second meaning of yoga is depthness. Or you can as call it technique, depthness of the divine laws. But unless and until you get united with the Divine you cannot use the technique. Interviewer: Right, now… Shri Mataji: Sahaja means, “saha” means with, “ja” means born, means it is spontaneous. It is a living process of evolutionary ascent, the last breakthrough. Interviewer: Right. Now, taking it one step further, how do you go about, what is this? Is it, it’s the Self-realization. Is this the same thing? Shri Mataji: Yes, it is Self-realization. It is the Read More …

Talk to doctors: the fourth dimension and the parasympathetic Brighton (England)

Conversation: Shri Mataji talks to doctors. Brighton (UK), 26 July 1984. Shri Mataji: The fourth dimension that they mentioned about, what do they mean by that? That is the thing. Warren: They call that transcendental state. Shri Mataji: But what? Warren: They can’t describe it. (Here Mother says again “What?” while Warren is saying the word “describe”) Shri Mataji: They can’t describe it, you see. Supposing somebody has a low heartbeat, low pulse rate or has a low consumption of oxygen or anything. Warren: That’s not transcendental state. Shri Mataji: That is not transcendental state, because you are still in the state, where your attention is on your body. So, it is not a transcendental, you will have to transcend. Transcendental means you have to jump onto the parasympathetic. See, we have four dimensions we can say. One is the dimension of the left sympathetic, another is of the right sympathetic, then we have got the central nervous system, which is our conscious mind and the fourth one is the parasympathetic. Does he jump on the parasympathetic? Warren: We do. Shri Mataji: Yes. In Sahaja Yoga you jump onto the parasympathetic; means your attention starts controlling the parasympathetic nervous system. Then how do we prove it that we become the fourth dimension? First thing is, that the person, who becomes the controller of the parasympathetic, becomes the “Auto”. He can do things. He can do things, like she can tell that another person is suffering on these centers without going Read More …