Understand The Meaning Of Life Teesside University, Middlesbrough (England)

Public Program, Teesside Polytechnic, Middlesbrough (England), 31 July 1984. I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all, we have to know what truth means. We want to seek truth, there’s an urge within us that we have to seek the truth. Because of this seeking only we all have become human beings. Now after human beings’ stage, what is going to happen to us? As it is, you find there is so much of confusion in this world, so much of confusion, so many ideas, so many thoughts, so many ideologies, so many religions. All kinds of things have come up and a simple human starts looking at it and he gets quite puzzled, “What sort of thing this world is?” It’s a very confused world, first of all. The confusion gives you a greater urge to seek, because you find, “What’s this going on?” Secondly, I went round your city today just to vibrate the whole place and I felt the place has got a kind of a feeling of dullness and I asked the person who was driving Me, I said, “Why the people here are looking very dull?” He said, “The people are now without any jobs,” so, I said that should happen to any country which is so industrially developed. When we are industrially developed, you see, all our industrial wants are over perhaps, then we start seeking more because we think now we’ve got everything, we’ve got proper dress to wear, we’ve Read More …