Devi Puja: On Leadership (Morning) Rahuri (India)

Talk about leadership, Rahuri, Maharashtra, India, 22nd January 1985. (English/Marathi) Rahuri is a place where a rakshasa called, demon called Rahu was killed by Goddess. And this is the place where my forefathers reigned as kings, and they had a dynasty also. Now, the other place we went to, Musalwadi, is the place where the Goddess first of all hit him with a beam, so it is called as Musalwadi. It means a beam, ‘musal’ means a ‘beam’. So this is a place where [the] Goddess has done a lot of work. There is another place called Aradgaon where he was running and he was screaming, so it’s called as arad. ‘Arad’ means ‘screaming’ (‘gaon’ means village). So the whole place is already very much vibrated because also the Nathas, the nine Nathas — we saw one Kanifnath there — but all of them lived in this area and worked very hard. The last of all, Sainath, was very near here, as you know, in Shirdi. So this is a very, very holy place and a place of great worship where many a times the Goddess was worshipped. Rahuri itself, if you go round, you’ll find there are nine deities sitting there. These are also created by Mother Earth. They are beautiful things. No one knows about them. You can go and have a look. There are nine of them and these represent the nine incarnations of the Goddess, or nine styles of the Goddess. Now, in this beautiful place Read More …