Solving The Present Day Problems New Delhi (India)

1985-02-11 Teachings of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi PP New Delhi, India. (Self-Realisation part is in Hindi) I bow to all the seekers of truth. It is very easy to believe that we are seeking the truth in life. Actually even when we are seeking the joy in material possessions or in emotional satisfactions, we are seeking the truth because truth is the giver of joy. It is the manifestation of the Spirit within us which gives us joy. There’s nothing else that can really give us joy because all other things have a duality. We feel happy and unhappy if our ego is buffered we feel happy. When it is hurt we feel unhappy. We are living in the confusion of the future and the past, and the future and the past is so quick that the moment we are thinking of the past, the second moment we are thinking of the future. There is no time, there’s no space in between these two thoughts and that’s how we have never felt that peace which is described or that peace which is essential for our spiritual growth.  Now the reason for this is that we developed from the [jaya], from the matter.  We have come out of carbon and carbon had to be evolved to this state of human awareness where we can think of something beyond. But still I would say at the present moment as we see the gross in the gross way the present is horrifying, absolutely Read More …