How to be identified with Reality? New Delhi (India)

1985-02-12 How to be identified with Reality? New Delhi, India DP-RAW I bow to all the seekers of Truth. Today I was saying that I’ll speak to you in Hindi language. But the problem is as I have to speak about the physical side of human beings it would be better if I use English language. I hope you will excuse me for that. First of all, we have to know that everything that was created before has a future. Every seed has all the map of all the trees that it is going to produce. It’s such a marvelous or we can say as a tremendous task to plant or to plan such a map into a little seed Unclear (). If you ever try to measure the greatness, the acuteness, the preciseness of this great planning you will be Unclear (never grasp) it. Your human brain cannot grasp it. How much this kind of work has been done, not about one seed but about many seeds. Thousands, billions, millions you cannot just count them. Same about human beings, if you see, that we are human beings, all of us are made different textures, color, complexion, temperaments the permutations and combinations of so many varieties of huge and colors that it is impossible to understand how we are made so beautifully Unclear (defect less/different). But we never think about ourselves. We take it for granted. Whatever we have got from the nature, we don’t want to see what sort Read More …