Bhajans after Hyatt Workshop Sydney (Australia)

Bhajans after Hyatt Workshop (Shri Mataji is reading a translation, by a local yogini, of ‘Ami Bhigadalo’ ) She has made some little mistakes here. See: Raga – ‘Ra -Ga’ doesn’t mean anger. But it means the melody. You see it is a pun on the words throughout. ‘Bhi gadalo’ means: ‘the seed has sprouted.’ Also it means ‘I am ruined’ – a pun on the words, you see? He says even the Raga, the melody, is spoilt.‘how I become … my religion (‘dharma)” is spoilt. She has put ‘enlightened’ but it is ‘spoilt’. I have become Vishwa Dharma.A pun on the word Bhigadalo which means: my seed has sprouted. Also it means: I am spoilt. Bhi gadarmi – so he plays on that word. So my dharma is also spoilt – I become Vishva Dharma. That is the pun. That is the poetic style. Then he says “All the people are also spoilt.” What has happened – they became pure. They become Nirmal, see, this is it.5:09 yogis sing bhajan13:15Have you been able to tape it? that’s beautiful, beautiful, because it is even more melodious, you see, than when we heard it in India, because you see, in India some people were going a little bit here and there from other countries. (loud yogi laughter).It was not such a proper melody there but now it is absolutely melodious: beautiful, beautiful.Shri Mataji comments that the musician plays well and asks where did she learn then comments on the harmonium “It Read More …

Kundalini is your mother anxiously waiting to give you your second birth Park Hyatt Sydney Hotel, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program and Workshop So today i bow to all those who are seekers of truth and those who have found it… may god bless you. It is such a great pleasure to see so many people coming back to know about themselves. All that [UNCLEAR warren] has been telling you as i told you is what you are within yourself, and what happens to you is the awakening of the kundalini which is three and a half coiled energy with in our sacrum bone. Now just imagine sacrum word was given to it by the Greeks that means Greeks knew that there is something sacred about it. That’s how they called it a sacrum bone, now this kundalini is the one is the pure desire within ourselves… Is the pure desire within ourselves. All other desires that we have… all other desires are not pure, if they were pure we would have been satisfied by them. But as you know the law of economics is such that in general ones are not [UNCLEAR sacure] that means what wants we have can never be satisfied. So what is the want really we have we should know, the real true desire with in us is one that we should be one with the divine power. This is the true desire we may play it with we may came of [UNCLEAR] we may go in other directions, make so difference, but ultimately you all come to this conclusion that unless and until you Read More …