Talk to Sahaja Yogis Kew Ashram, Melbourne (Australia)

Talk to Yogis, Kew Ashram, Melbourne (Australia), 14 March 1985. Late night, after public program. This is the best you can give to your friends, instead of giving them parties, dinners. That’s how you become permanent friends. So the children are enjoying themselves preparing the next occasion. Going to sit down with Modi today, and finalize the marriage program. All right? So I would like to have the names of the people who are getting married. Ah. And I hope, they have everything all right. Because I will have to check up on these things, isn’t it? Because day after tomorrow will be a puja and then we’ll have to prepare for the weddings, that is on Sunday. Puja will be in the evening? What we can do if you want to have a sort of a follow-up program, we can have it on in the morning time. Yogi: But Mother it will be too much for you. No, I’ll be out only for one hour at the most. That’s you see because I think the contacts are lost. If you don’t say I’m there, I’m not there, then they don’t come. So best is to have one day. I’ll just come for an hour outside that’s all. Keep it like that, we’ll manage somehow. Yes, last time did we cook? So many, we cannot. So they should be left out. See they should come here at the time about say ten o’clock and leave about twelve o’clock, so they Read More …

We are living in a relative world Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

First Public Program, Melbourne (Australia), 14 March 1985. I bow to all the seekers of truth.I bow to them because they are a special category of human beings which is described by William Blake * as the men of God who will become prophets and they will have powers to make others prophets. This is what is described by many other seers in India also. All over the world people have talked about the resurrection time. Mohammed Sahib in His Koran has described that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. Like when the disciples of Christ got their blessings of Self realization from the Holy Ghost which came as a cool breeze upon Him they started using their hands because they felt the power flowing through them and they started speaking the language which was strange. That was the language of the chakras and that’s why people thought they were off their minds, they didn’t understand. But today we are in a special time which I call as the blossom time. We do not have only twelve people who are seeking, twelve hundred who are seeking, but thousands and thousands, millions and millions. This seeking has come to us from ages, we have been seekers from ages, though in the western contries the tradition of seeking has lost its meaning very much because of industralisation. It has grown like a tree which does not know about its roots. In India the climate was very gentle, I think, Read More …

Radio Interview Melbourne (Australia)

Interview Interviewer: Right we’re going to talk about a kind of yoga, Sahaja Yoga if I’ve pronounced it correctly. And we’re going to talk to a lady called Shri Mataji. Hope I’ve got that right too. Sahaja Yoga is now a recognised religion and it’s catching on at a great rate here in Australia. In fact, the religion has just been granted permission to open a school here in Victoria and that school is situated at Kew. It’s been established to comply with the extremely high moral and educational standards set by Shri Mataji. The basic objective of this school is to instil non-aggression peace and harmony here. Here, I think we all agree with that. Shri Mataji is in Australia for a whistle-stop tour and She’s a brief visit us here in Mulba (?) Studio. And we’ll have to put those headphones on because I forgot it’s got the microphone attached to it. So, if you don’t put those on, we won’t be able to hear you. So, if you just hold that up there and speak into it, I think we would be able to hear you okay. Welcome to Australia first of all. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Interviewer: Actually you’ve just stepped off the plane, I believe. Shri Mataji: Yes, (?) Interviewer: Are you suffering from jetlag? Shri Mataji: No, no. I don’t much (?) Interviewer: How do you avoid things like jetlag? Shri Mataji: I think if you are at a state where you Read More …