Devi Puja Dharamshala (India)

Devi Puja, Talnoo, Dharamshala, India, March 29th 1985 English Transcript (अंग्रेजी में बोलें? ये लोग पीछे जाके बैठ जायें. इधर खडे नहीं. पीछे जगह है, इधर से बैठिये. – Shri Mataji speaks to the people in Hindi that there is a place in the back and that they should go and sit there.) 1:05 … People of [unclear Dharamshala] so different, so nice, special quality people. We cannot say no to them. They are beautiful people. Very beautiful. They will enter into the kingdom of God. …. (थोडा अंग्रेजी में बोलते हैं. – I’ll speak in English.) Speech starts at 1:15 Today we are sitting at the foothill of Himalaya. Himalaya is the Father of your Mother. And since I have come here the feeling of returning to the Father is making Me feel extremely proud of you. (Hindi – अंग्रेजी में बोलने से लाईट चली जायेगी – because of speaking in English if the electricity goes off.) 2:00 So we have to count our blessings again that we are at the foothill of Himalaya which is the Sahasrara of the universe. Those people who live here are the most beautiful people that you could think of. They are not rich, they are not educated, they are not sophisticated. They are simple folk, but one of them is equal to thousands and thousands of other people who are still moving in the realm of materialism. It is such a special day to be here. Today is the 7th day of Read More …