Energy of Pure Desire Milan (Italy)

Public Program, Milan, Italy 14-05-1985 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. But one has to know what is the Truth and what are we seeking. For this, one has to realize that these modern times are special times. When many people are born especially, to seek their Self, their Spirit. But this method of seeking has to come from understanding of ancient times. It cannot just start a new method, some sort of new fact that could be called as a seeking way. Like I went to a place called Pune in India, and there were some people suffering from all kinds of diseases: blood pressure, anginas, heart troubles, spondylitis and I was amazed at their suffering. So, they said that they have a guru whom they followed and he has given them some sort of odd thing called “shakti path”. I said this one I never heard before, where did you read this book, in what scriptures it is written? It has to be mentioned somewhere in the ancient scriptures as well. If your guru cannot even keep you in good health with such sufferings, such a guru! Because as a mother I feel that he should look after your health. So, it has to be based on the traditions of seeking, that what they had said about Self-realization is the experience of the Spirit. Now, this book that they were referring to was written only 60 or 70 years back, by somebody who talked of these Read More …