Mental Projections give us Illusions San Diego (United States)

Public Program day 1. San Diego (USA), 29 May 1985. I bow to all the seekers of truth. I came to San Diego long time back and I’m very happy to come back here. When we talk of truth we have to understand that truth is not what we understand through our mental projections. Mostly the mental projections give us illusions. There is no reality behind them. Truth is an experience of the central nervous system. For example if this is cold I can feel it, it is cold. Even if a child touches this, it can feel it, it is cold. If it is hot we can feel it on central nervous system, that it is hot. In the same way the truth is to be known on central nervous system, not through mental projections. While we live on mental projections some people come and talk about truth, we think he is the man standing on truth. He represents truth. Somebody talks about compassion – we believe he’s very compassionate he’s very peaceful. But compassion does not speak, it is silent, it acts, it works. So one has to understand that to get to truth, to get to reality one has to cross the barrier of mental activity. Unless and until you understand this simple point, is going to be difficult to give Realization to people. This is the basic trouble in the western countries that they think that they can conceive truth through their mental projections and that’s Read More …