A very ancient traditional understanding about the spirit School for the Humanities, New York City (United States)

Public Program Day 1, 1985-06-03, New York City I bow to all seekers of truth.  But when we are seeking the truth we have to understand that truth is to be known through our accent and through our awareness that is our central nervous system.  Not through mental projections.  For example what just now has been described to you is the knowledge of the roots.  The west has developed and developed because of extroversion like a tree. It has reached its climax now.  But it must find out its roots.  If the tree is not sustained and nourished by the roots it is quite possible that it will topple down in no time.  So we have to learn I think from India so much about the tree.  But perhaps you have to learn something from us about the roots. When we are developing outside too much the biggest problem I face is that people take easily to something that is new.  They are charmed by anything that is out of the way and something new.  But in Sahaja yoga when you see it clearly you will understand that it is not a today’s thought.  It is not a 100 year thought but it’s a very ancient traditional understanding about the spirit.  While in west people get very much enamored by things which are absolutely new, for example hundred years back.  It’s very surprising how they do not see something beyond and they want to try everything that is new which Read More …