You have to rise to the fourth dimension School for the Humanities, New York City (United States)

Public Program Day 3, School for the Humanities. New York (USA), 5 June 1985. We are today here to know about the truth. Now the main problem as I told you with the East and West is this that in the Western mind it is the outward movement of the attention. And it was necessary to move outward, to grow outward. In the same way, it is necessary to grow inward. These both the things are part and parcel of one being. There’s no separate thing like East and West. God made only one world. We think that there is East, West, North, South. It’s not so. So when the tree has grown up too much we must find out the roots. And some people, as I told you, in India who were bothered and worried, started thinking about why are we on this earth. As a result of that, they reached a point where they started seeing that there is something beyond us. As I told you yesterday, there are ten valences within us. That means matter has eight and we have ten valencies. Now it is not yet complete. At the ten valences, we balance ourselves. That’s why all the great prophets came on this earth. Like Abraham, Mosses, Nanak, Janak to give us a balance. But then we asked, why the balance. Balance is for the ascent. With the balance, our attention gets properly distributed and in the centre concentrated to ascent. So after balancing, ascension is Read More …