Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Racism, Evening Program, Eve of Diwali Tivoli (Italy)

Evening before Diwali, Tivoli, 16 November 1985. You see only I am understanding and we are understanding from Maharashtra and this is to be done by many people so it’s different type. But a here they are saying that you should surrender to the Mother, that you have been to Kolhapur to the temple of Mahalakshmi. And you know the Mahalakshmi is the central path of Sushumna and there they go and pray to the Kundalini Ambe. That now you have awakened in the Mahalakshmi Temple. They go and sing there. That’s the Mahalakshmi temple and there they praise the Kundalini because Mahalakshmi is there but in Mahalakshmi’s channel of the central path the Kundalini has to awaken. So today today it’s the Ambe. It’s surprising that in the Mahalakshmi Temple that they go and sing this song of Amba, isn’t it? But the reason is that they want that in the Temple of Mahalakshmi only the Kundalini can rise so they are addressing Amba. That’s the beauty of this song. You follow my point. You extend it. Today is the great day my joy knows no bounds.[To Gregoire] Translate it. [Laughter]Gregoire: In which language Shri Mataji? French? Italian?Shri Mataji: Italian. I do not know how to thank people of U.K. and some of them who took such a great lead to manifest this new collectivity. Of course, I do not want to name them because they will feel embarrassed.But the whole thing started on a very low note and Read More …