Diwali Puja: It’s only the Sahaja Yogis who can blacken or enlighten the Name of God Almighty Tivoli (Italy)

Diwali Puja, Tivoli, Rome, 17 November 1985. Today we have assembled here to celebrate the Diwali, the Deepavali. Actually, only after Sahaja Yoga started, the real Diwali is taking shape. We had many beautiful lamps, and we had lot of oil to burn, but there was no spark, to enlighten the deepas. And the wick, as you call it – is called as bati in Hindi language- is like your Kundalini, so the Kundalini had to meet the spark. The beautiful lamps were all a waste, purposeless, pointless. And this is the great blessings in modern times, that so many lights are enlightened and we are having a Deepavali of human hearts. When you become the light, you don’t worry about the lamp, how it looks, how it is to be made, it’s all done. You just have to worry about the flame, about the oil, because it’s the oil that burns and gives light. In Sanskrit language – which is the language of the Gods – the oil is called as “snigdh”, ‘snigdha’; is something that is soft but is ‘snigdha’. And ‘sneha’ means ‘friendship of love.’ And the poets in other [Indian] languages have used this word, in different way calling it ‘neha’. They have sung the praise of this love. Every poet, every Saint has used this word in their beautiful poetry, whether they were in separation or they were in the meeting, in the yoga, in the union. This love is the thing that gives the Read More …