Evening Program Shudy Camps Park, Shudy Camps (England)

Evening Program, Shudy Camps Park, Shudy Camps (England) Shri Mataji: This is for the description of [unclear/Annapurna ] which is the power of Sadashiv that is the primordial mother and she is the one who is the giver of food and it is said that the “Vishweshwara” means Sadashiv has manifested itself in Kashi …in Banaras and she is the power ” Annapurna “.(who is the giver of food), food and everything, spiritual food, physical food, mental food, all kinds of foods … It is shown with the [unclear/level ]in her hand. Annapurna, this is the description of Annapurna when we are eating the food. Better listen to it …There is a complete description ….Now this one the last:Now he is asking for everything …He is not saying that gives me, but just praising that you are the giver of moksha, you are the giver of this you are the giver of that & now do not take too much time and please give me the “Bhiksha” –What I am asking for…And he says …He asks for 2 things: (that’s very surprising)Give me meditation (“Dhyan”) another is (“VairAgnya “) Detachment …Isn’t it surprising?At the end of everything, it comes with a: He says that you open the Sahasrara, everything ….Despite the powers and things …Ultimately he asks for the meditation “Dhyan” and “VairAgnya”…It’s all in the description …Now you see in this country only [unclear /4 year’s back]….a poet …Now you read the poem …Sahaja yogi: Shri Mataji! (Speech by Read More …

Shudy Camps Ashram Inauguration Shudy Camps Park, Shudy Camps (England)

Talk to yogis on Shudy Camp Ashram Inauguration. Shudy Camps (England), 2 August 1986. It’s so very joyous to see you all here assembled together. I’ve to thank you very much for getting such a nice place as this Shudy Camp; I’ve given it a new name, Shoody Camp meaning cleansing camp which is such an ancient building. It has gone through various stages of history and has kept the mark of all these times and now you have to build up the future on this land, on this spot, in this building. Also I’m thankful to you for buying such a nice comfortable car for Me. I thought I was supposed to buy but everybody said, “No, we are supposed to buy it for You, Mother.” This is the first house that is in My name, first house I own and this is the first car I have owned in My name. I’m so proud that My children have bought it for Me. They have, with their love and affection have bought this huge big place as well as the car for My dwelling as well as for My comfort. When we come on this earth, when the incarnations descend they don’t need a building at all; they have a dwelling that’s face the sky and the clouds are the curtains and grass is their bed and all the directions are the worms. But when they reside in the heart of their children, in the heart of their bhaktas, Read More …