Public Program Kolkata (India)

Public Program, Calcutta, India, 11 October 1986 Sahaja Yogi Compere Dr. Talwar introducing Sahaja Yogi ‘Yogi Mahajan’ on the stage Not very audible till 11 secs…. His father was none other than the Chief Justice of India, Mr Justice Mahajan, Mehr Chand Mahajan and Yogi himself (not very clear) in the field of spiritual. He has worked long in this field because he is a yogi by heart without anything to do with his name. Yogi came before on the request (sounds like) of Shri Mataji a few years ago and ever since has done the (not very clear) because he found something there which he had not been able to establish in an oldest seeker (not very audible..) I would not like to say anything more. (not very clear from 00.01.03 to 00.01.16). The person who has established himself in the field of generosity (not very clear from 00.01.22 to 00.01.33). And at a very young age he was exposed to such a divine (not very clear from 00.01.38 to 00.01.43) and today has vast (not very clear from 00.01.46 to 00.02.05). So I request Shri Yogi Mahajan to come and address us first and then call (not very clear from 00.02.11 to 00.02.15). Shri Yogi Mahajan. You can come from this side. 00.02.54 Sahaja Yogi ‘Yogi Mahajan’ addressing the gathering in English Respected elders, brothers and sisters. It is most auspicious that start of in Calcutta and welcome Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to seek her today on the Read More …

Public Program Day 1: Sahajyog ke Anubhav Kolkata (India)

1986-1011, Sahaja Yog Ke Anubhav, Kolkata, India.(Experiences Of Sahaja Yoga) It is very easy to say what the truth is. Truth is what it is, and that is you are the spirit. You are the spirit, which is beyond the notions of mind, intellect, body and ego. But the light of that spirit hasn’t been reflected in your awareness. Or you can say that the light of that spirit has not yet dawned upon you. But when we put our attention on truth, then we think that truth is very harsh. A very difficult thing. Like a long time back it was said,” Satyam Vade, Hitam Vade”. (Truth that is said is beneficial). So how do we connect it? So Shri Krishna said it very beautifully that, “Satyam Vade, Hitam Vade, Priyam Vade”. That is what is beneficial and loving to the spirit is what has to be expressed. Maybe it is hurtful at the time, but later might become beneficial and loving. Even with all this understanding, sometimes we forget that God is love. And the truth is also love. As a mother when she loves her child she knows all about him. From that love arises that truth which is her child. And the emotion of love is also the product of human awareness. In reality, truth can’t get attached to anything. It is similar to sap from a tree, which climbs to the branches, the leaves, the flowers, the fruits and nourishes them and goes back down Read More …