Evening Program after Christmas Puja Pune (India)

Evening Program after Christmas Puja, Pune, India, 25-12-1986 From there Angapuri you remember we have been near Brahmapuri and from there even you can walk down if you want to Brahmapuri. Your cars can go that side they can walk down. So Angapuri if you remember next to Brahmapuri you can walk back from there if you like and your buses can go ahead to Brahmapuri. So you get down at Angapur and let the buses go ahead only take out your torches and in any case you must keep one dress handy for yourself. So then it is easy because every time I don’t want you to get down with the luggage and again get ticked off you see. Now this time is going to be for three days in Brahmapuri this day so it would be much better. So they are saying after lunch if you leave you will be quite in time for the procession. I hope you like this place very much and also I think I brought down the temperature all right for you. It was quite quite cold but now it’s all right no wind is blowing. You see human mind is such I have seen that it always creates an objection, burocratic. Like you tell them one thing, they said “no, that is not possible” Then you tell them another, “that is not possible”, this solution “that is not possible”. One telling them they said “no, but is not possible, nothing is possible Read More …

Christmas Puja Pune (India)

Christmas Puja, Pune (India) 25 December 1986. [English Transcript] Today we have all been waiting to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. There’s so much significant that we are in a place here, the same type of a hut Jesus had when He was born, and the wind was blowing from all sides and it was difficult to keep the room very warm, though if it is correct He was not born in the month of December, in a warmer month, not so very cold, maybe this much as you see; so maybe that the climate of today is quite significant, with the climate that He must have felt. As for you people, you don’t feel any discomfort in this climate, nor in these surroundings nor in the Spartan living. He never felt any discomfort, nor His Mother. When our attention is on our Spirit, then we do not feel the discomfort of nature or of worldly things. This is the first sign when a Sahaja Yogi starts complaining about comforts, then the first sign is that he is not a Sahaja Yogi as yet. To begin with you just get absolutely acclimatized with the climate and enjoy the style, the speed, the way it is molding you. There’s no friction between the nature and the body because the Spirit which is synchronizer, helps you to become one with this nature and enjoy the best part of it. The way you are enjoying it shows that you are Read More …