Evening Program, Beauty Must Have Auspiciousness Ganapatipule (India)

Evening Program, Beauty Must Have Auspiciousness God almighty created this universe, in a very beautiful manner. I have told you many a time the story of creation, and how the evolution took place. The mirror is made to see your face, and God almighty could not see himself: His qualities, His greatness, His generosity, His magnanimity. Like the sun cannot see itself. Moon cannot see itself. Like the gold cannot see itself. A pearl, how can it go inside itself and see itself? So, this creation was made like a mirror for God to see His reflection. Ultimately He created the most beautiful mirror that is human beings. At this point it would have been alright, if Adam and Eve had not used their freedom wrongly. There would have been not such a long time and, had to go through evolutionary process with all the incarnations coming in, guiding people. And today, at this time, to get to your spirit, to express God in your mirror fully. This has taken a long long process. But if you see it’s so beautifully done. I think that’s the play of Mahamaya. That, first of all, beautiful worlds were created, beautiful start were created, you see them around. Then beautiful mountains and rivers. Then beautiful plant kingdom came in, and the beautiful variety of trees. So much of varieties. Varieties bring forth the beauty of God’s own imagination. A leaf of any tree cannot match with any other leaf, and also of the Read More …

Talk on Innocence & Musical Program (Morning) Ganapatipule (India)

Talk about Innocence, Ganapatipule (India), 2 January 1987. Today, in this blessed place of Mahaganesha, we have all assembled to go deep into our own beings, to enjoy our own glory. One has to remember that the very first thing God created on this earth was Shri Ganesha because He could emit holiness. He exists as chaitanya and this chaitanya exists in the atom and molecules as you know very well, as vibrations – symmetric and isometric. These vibrations later on start expressing themselves in the plant kingdom as life force and you see how they are kept under a bondage. A tree that is a mango tree will go up to a certain point. A coconut tree will grow up to a certain point. It’s all under control, and then it is expressed in the animals, where it binds them. That’s why they are called as pashus, means under bondage. But in the human being it is expressed as auspiciousness and ultimately as the epitome, as holiness. Holiness is to be understood in its essence as well as in its contents.Holiness is an innate quality of a personality, where a person rejects all that is unholy, all that is inauspicious. The ego doesn’t play any part. Up to the animal stage, ego doesn’t exist. But in the human stage, you are given freedom to choose whether you want holiness or not. But in the ego of man, he might say, “What’s wrong?” and he may defy all the rules Read More …