Eve of Makar Sankranti Puja, Evening Program and Talk to Sahaja Yogis: On Marriage

Residence of Madhukar Dhumal, Rahuri (India)

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Eve of Makar Sankranti Puja, Evening Program and Talk to Sahaja Yogis: On Marriage, Rahuri, India

10:10 (Shri Mataji.’You’ve shown this to everyone?’. Yogi, ‘No, no, Mother, not until I’ve shown it to you.’)

 Shri Mataji, ‘This is a beautiful photograph that has come out of this Trimurtis of Bombay, you must have seen them. These are the three aspects of God Almighty. And a beautiful temple is built there in ….. near Bombay, I am sure you must have visited that temple. And there these Trimurties are like this (Shri Mataji shows the photo). You see this one clearly as simple as that, you see? But when he took this photograph after ten minutes they took another photograph and they got the Agya Chakra blazing (Shri Mataji shows another photograph). Now, what does that mean? It’s Christ there. Christ is the Mahavishnu, this is the Vishnu aspect and this one on the right and left side is Brahma and Shiva, the centre is the Vishnu. And in the centre of Vishnu’s head, that is Virata’s head, the light came in, this is so clear that Christ tried to endorse what I’ve been telling you all because you are all from the West, you all follow Christ, that Christ wanted you to see for yourself clearly that ‘I reside in the Agya of the Virata.’. So clear cut, now I’ll show you both the pictures. All right? But if you show this to someone, they’ll say, ‘You must have done some light there, you must have pierced some light inside that.’ nobody is going to believe, so better not to show.

     I hope you’ve been enjoying your stay in Rahuri also. Tomorrow we are going to have the puja of Sankrant, means when the Sun changes its axis in the sense that it goes from the South to the North and this is called as ‘Sankrant’. ‘San’ means ‘auspicious’, ‘krant’ means ‘revolution’ or ‘evolution’. So it’s the auspicious revolution that is taking place. The revolution is already taking place as you know. There is a great revolution that is taking place. We are all feeling that we are part and parcel of that great revolution which looks silent, which looks pleasing, blissful. But it’s a revolution of evolution and that’s why tomorrow is great day for all of you, to have the puja.

        This day is the day when women, married women are very much respected, because the married women have the responsibility of maintaining the balance in the family, looking after their husbands, being very forgiving and tollerant, and sensible and wise. They have to be like this Mother Earth, who bears everything and gives beautiful fruits. They are very much respected in India as you know but tomorrow is the first day where they are to be respected very much before that all the married ladies are given bangles to give them powers or to respect their powers. Because it is believed in India that it’s the married women, if they are respected, then all the gods are happy. I wish the western men could understand that. That you have to respect your women, you have to treat them well. The reaction that is coming now in the West against men is because women were never respected. But as a reaction now they are becoming absolutely as I call them ‘cabbages’, that’s not the one. Women cannot respect cabbages. You have to be like men, people of great valour, of great courage, of great principles, of your rightousness. You cannot be selfish,cheap, frivolous people. If you are that, women cannot respect you. We have many songs in our country. We sing the praise of men, who are liked and appreciated by their wives but we don’t think of romance and all those things. But the women who respect the men, who are great, corageous warriors….. In this country when the men had to go for a war, especially in Maharashtra, the women used to cut their tongue, put the read blood on the forehead of the men saying that, ‘You are going on a war and don’t come with your back towards the war.’, means you have to fight, whether you die or live, you have to fight. Such men were respected and were adored and such women existed but now the women have become, even in this country, extremely stupid and selfish. They will fight for a small thing with their husbands. They’ll ask for small things. I’ll tell you about my own married life. If you ask my husband he will tell you, I’ve never asked him even for a penny, even for a penny, never for money, never for anything, even for a penny, I’ve never asked him. And so many times he’s said that (it) will be the most joyous day in my life if my wife comes and asks me for something. On the contrary, whenever you try to buy something for me I would say, ‘You shouldn’t waste your money, why did you do it.’. Only when women have such qualities of giving and forebearing that they develop the respect of men. Women should not cry and weep at small things. They should stand up. When the husband needs all the courage, all the support, they should stand up for the right things. That’s the duty of a woman if she wants to keep her society all right, her children all right and not to fight in the presence of your children, at least. We have to weigh ourselves  what we are discussing, what we are quarelling about, what is so important. Is it our ego or is it our selfishness, or is it our low mentality. Women are to be respected and they have to be respectable. And respectable women can only please the gods, saying in Sanskrit it’s ‘ Dyatra nariya pujante, tatra mantra devata.’

     So, I have to tell you, after we have had seventy marriages, you are like two wheels of a chariot. You are equal but not similar and be proud that you are not similar, be proud that you are women, be proud that you are men and behave in the nature of which you are made. Don’t try to become women and women try to become men. That’s not the way you are going to solve the problem. You can only solve the problem when you abide in your nature and use it. Say for example if the nose wants to eat the food what food can we have? As stupid as that, that women are trying to be men. And I see all that happening in the West, (it’s) so common. There is no competition. There is a support, there is mutual understanding, there is mutual love and I am thinking of a universal vision, where there will be peace among people, respect for each other, love for each other and if two people, married in Sahaja Yoga cannot live together, then I think I should give up hopes.

      Our whole tour was to make your spirit comfortable, to make you feel the love of each other, to understand each other, to develop feeling of oneness and unity among yourselves. Of course I must say there must have been some problems for you people, some discomfort also but there were no snakes, no scorpions, no tigers, no wolves, (they were) all kept outside. And little bit rain came in and after that we never had problem with rain also. So as far as you are concerned, whatever comfort one could provide in this far fetched places, we have done it. We had to come out of the cities, we had to go out to get that peace within ourselves because if the outside is all such a turmoil, which you always face, you ‘ve come here to get that point where you feel the peace. So the comfort that you are seeking in a city, which is a developed city, you cannot get it here, but you get the comfort of the peace and the joy of the nature. I must say that this tour has been a very excellent one because, you people, have really submerged into joy of the love of God and that there is a very much better understanding among yourselves and with the Indians also and they have all fallen in love with you. They all love you very much and they have great respect for you and when they talk about you, I thought, I think some celestial beings are visiting this country.The amount of presents ( that) are here, I am flabbergasted and I think this people will start now poetry writing about the celestial beings coming from forty nations to visit India. We have to be celestial beings, no doubt, we can be very easily if just know that we have to be in the center to grow, not to fall into your past, nor into the future, not to fall into the Ida or into the Pingala, not to fall into your conditionings  and to your ego. You could be very much there, one with each other, enjoying each other. Try to make the best of your marriages, best of your tour, try to make (the) best of everything and contribute towards that effort to each other, not to make it difficult, not to make it also very thorny, make it beautiful flowery experience for each other. I hope you are taking addresses of each other, of Indians also and of other people who have been here and you will be now parting very soon within one or two days and I don’t know when you will meet again whatever it is I hope you will contact and later on also and try to give your experiences, explain them to the people who are not here and share with others, write to each other, make friends and have a nice account of this tour within your heart.

May God bless you all!

So today they are giving you a good entertainment of some dancing and I think some nice music also is coming up for you and tomorrow we’ll have some outsiders who will be singing to you.( Shri Mataji is speaking in Marathi). The professors of this college, the university… Rahuri University of Agriculture have contributed a lot to this program today.

1.24.08  In this play, I must say, it’s very symbolic also I feel for the whole thing is this way that Shivaji was (an) avatara in a way and he fought Aurangzeb with the help of  few dedicated people. While Aurangzeb was a very powerful emperor and then his son himself betrayed him while joining hands with Dilek Khan, another enemy of Shivaji and he felt exteremely rejected and lonely and he felt that among his own children and family, he could not put things right and he said, ‘I’ve been able to do all these things but why? I’ve not been able to correct my own son.’ (He) felt very dejected and unhappy and lonely. Sometimes it happens to me also, when some of the Sahaja Yogis let me down and I also feel sometimes very dejected. But again I remember that I have to do this great job the world has to be saved and I shouldn’t worry about some children of mine if they let me down. Because there are so many others that who will stand by me and who will help me that’s what was suggestive in that play and it really touched my heart how Shivaji had to fight with his own family people, trying to pull him down and make him unhappy. It should not be repeated again by anyone of you.

May God bless you!

1.30.30 Beautifully acted you see that they were going on a hilltop, they saw a hill and they said namaskar to the hill. And then the boy was bitten by a scorpion, it’s called ‘ Bin zu zawala.’ (which) means ‘The scorpion has bitten me.’ He says, ‘Oh, God, what to do? This (is) to be done. So now they said one is of ‘kama and krodh’,(which) means of ‘lust and anger’. It’s the winzu what should I do, so they asked, ‘What should we do?’ Then he says all right, how should it be done. So he said you have to raise your Satya, Satwa Guna, the central path to get over this kama krodh. And the second part is that he says that again the scorpion has bitten me so he said this time that which side is that it has bitten me. So he said, ‘It’s Tamo Guna.’ it’s the one in which I take to……… here I mean people don’t understand much of alcohols, we take the numbers of all kinds of alcohols. So he is saying ‘daru’ which means the alcohol and another one is ‘tumbaku’, you see it’s like this they eat it like this ‘tumbaku’ is the tobacco they put it like this and eat it like that. So he says that is the one that has gone into me. So what should I do about this? So he says again, you raise your Satwa Guna by which all these things will go away. It’s very well done, very well for the children. So, you see I’ve seen them as small, little children now they’ve grown up and they are showing the age of Sahaja yoga also in a way.

May God bless you!

And for Ego they said you must put a pin and deflate.

1.50.53 Their song suggests their hights in Sahaja Yoga, I must say because they are saying when there was no Sahaja Yoga and we were getting lost in the Bhavasagara, it was the Adi Maya who came to save us. And the whole thing is like that, which they are singing that in our turmoil of life, in our weaknesses, we are lost and the Adi Maya is that one who has saved our boat which was getting drowned, She is the one who has told us the way for our salvation. It’s beautifılly sung and beautifully described, I must say, beautiful one.

1.57.01 Rather embarrassing. They are saying that this is the peace we have seen and what phase it was it is today and will be there. We are going to follow you up all our lives and once it is established in the hearts of the people, they are all going to enjoy and laugh all their lives. It’s a very sweet song.

2:17:02 This is not easy to describe what she is saying. I’ve seen my mother’s face today, Her roop today and that’s what she is describing.

2.39:16 Please give them a hand, the way they have sung for you.

2.39.48 Dhumal, who is the one who is the originator of Sahaja Yoga movement in this Amadnagar District, who started with it, with all enthusiasm, he has now created so many centers here and he wants to give you a present from the center of Rahuri, which has also produced such beautiful music and presentation of photographs which he took here long time back I think… ( Shri Mataji enquires something in Marathi) …in 1975. And that photograph he wants to give to all the leaders to all the nations that have gathered here so I would request all of them to come one by one. Actually I was counting the nations and I lost the count. 

    Now one by one the leaders have to come here.

    Now let us have people from every country one by one.

2.49.08 This one, it’s a beautiful thing, made of Ganesha and now I am going to Australia, I won’t be able to carry it myself so I want to give it to them. It’s done by Mr Dhumal. Deepa has done it, Deepa, Ms Dhumal.

2.50.01 Do you want to sing one song? (Yogis, ‘Yes!’). Well, let’s have it then. Come along. Come along here.

2.51.03 I hope you have taped the music. Have you got it in the tape? So next time I am telling them, you are going to her all that music. Wonderful music it is, I tell you. You have got Marathi girls with you, you can get it translated. 

2.51.30 Have the gentlemen to be seated somewhere at the back. This one, the blind fellow. Just help him to sit somewhere.

2.51.59 I think tabla you allow to this gentleman to play, I think they’ll play a better tabla.

2.52.26 Who is playing the guitar?

2.56.40 It was too fast for me to follow also. Beautiful, wonderful music.

2.57.38 I am just describing that the Spanish lady has married an Indian.

2.58.20 I am just saying how you are happy.

3.00.15 In the whole thing was….. I could feel the ocean of joy, working it out. May this spread to the whole world. Let all the people of the world come and join hands with you and enjoy the nectar of God’s love. 

3:00:51 There is food, food is awaiting you. So you are not awaiting the food.

3:01:26 So please make yourselves comfortable for food, you will enjoy your food and tomorrow we have to have the puja also. And then  you have to go ……one bus has to leave for Bombay directly and I was thinking of also organising the same style of going from here directly to Bombay, instead of stopping at Puna, because you are not very comfortable in Puna so I think it’s better you stay on here. And the last group can go on 16th, I think, to reach there on 17th, they have to reach on16th night. So the last group will leave on 16th night and we’ll try to organise it in such a way that you reach the airport in time for boarding. The journey would be slightly, slightly long, because from here directly to Bombay (it) will take 6-7 hours, they were saying so, but as you people enjoy everything, I hope ……. Because you see to arrange things in my absence in Puna you found how difficult it was and I have to be here on 17th for a program, 16th for the program, so I won’t be able to go to Puna. So, I would request you people to go by this direct route to Bombay. Is it all right?