Easter Puja: Materialism Ashram of Pichini, Rome (Italy)

Easter Puja,  Ashram of Pichini, Rome (Italy), April 19th, 1987 Happy Easter to all of you! It’s a great day to come to Rome to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. Now we have to do the Resurrection of Christianity, which is just moving in the opposite direction of Christ’s Resurrection. As you know that Christ was just Chaitanya, but He came in the body of Chaitanya. The whole body was made of Chaitanya, and He resurrected Himself to show to the world that you can resurrect yourself also, if you can fill your body with Chaitanya. There is always a struggle between the matter and the Spirit. In human life what we see that matter is all the time trying to take over the Spirit. And that is how we fail in our Resurrection. We fail in our Resurrection because we give way to matter. We have come from matter – easy go back to matter. But all the Christian nations have taken to the material development – identification with the matter, not the sublimation of the matter. Why we have gone wrong is because matter has become so important to us. We are so much identified with the matter, with our body, with all that is material for us. People are so much worried about the material things. What I find that the whole culture has become materialistic and they’re absolutely ashamed about it, but still they continue, the way it is so shameful and so degrading. It degrades human Read More …