Shri Mataji Interview with Channel 7 News (with Andrew McCullen) Brisbane (Australia)

Interview With Channel 7 News, Brisbane, Australia, 05-05-1987 [Interviewer is getting his realisation from Shri Mataji. Bad sound quality throughout] Yogi: Don’t think, just look over here. [at Shri Mataji’s bindi] Just put your attention here [top of the head] within you, you just have to ask Shri Mataji… [break in recording] Interviewer: It should be blowing, going towards… [unclear] Shri Mataji: A little hot. You’ll be all right. English – it took Me four years to crack seven [unclear/hearts] Interviewer: Four years to crack seven English [unclear/hearts?] It is hard to get Self-Realisation. Shri Mataji: No, no, no, yours is very easy. English very difficult. We have now some English there and they know about it. Can you loosen your tie a little bit? [Shri Mataji puts Her hand on the interviewer’s right shoulder] This tie gives a feeling that you are on duty. Interviewer: Yes. [unclear] Shri Mataji: He is all right, he is going all right – only thing is that now [unclear] [Shri Mataji works on his right hand] Interviewer: [to Yogi nearby] How did that feel to you, the first time you felt it?  Shri Mataji: How much time for you?  Interviewer: How many years, how long does it take to [unclear]? Sahaja Yogi: It is unusual, it took three months. Shri Mataji: You felt after three months? Really? Interviewer: It took you that long? Indian Sahaja Yogi: Yes, one gentleman took ten seconds. Shri Mataji: You see he is a Christian, and he told Read More …

The need for self-realization Brisbane City Hall, Brisbane (Australia)

Public Program. City Hall, Brisbane (Australia), 5 May 1987. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Just now, Albert has very clearly described to you the mechanism that is within us which works out our Self-Realisation. There is a mechanism, no doubt. When we are in this room, we see so many lights and there is a mechanism behind this. But what we do is to just switch on and the lights are there. So the whole mechanism is already built within us through our evolutionary process. Now we have reached at a point when we have to achieve the result of the evolutionary process. In the West, people had the quest to find out outside this body. I would say that they tried to find out the knowledge about the Tree of Life, but when the life is found out from outside, you can go up to a point, and the tree can also grow up to a point. You have to go to your roots. This is the knowledge of our roots. Now to say that it comes from India or it comes from a particular region is not true. India, being an ancient country of course, they have been able to go deep into it, but even in the Bible you get sentences like: ‘I will appear before you like tongues of flames,’ and these centres really looks like tongues of flames. Then in the Quran also, it is there called as ‘Asas’, the Kundalini, and Read More …