Religions explained University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)

Public Program Day 2 at Audimax University. Vienna (Austria), 13 October 1987. I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday that truth is not a concept. When people start establishing something as truth there arises the problem. Because truth can not be organized, can not be ordered, can not be changed, it is what it is. And today the truth is that the time has come for people to get their resurrection. That’s the time has come where people have to ascend to their higher being. As in Koran described very clearly as ”Kiyama” – is the time of resurrection. Said very clearly that your hands will speak. And they will give witness about you. This is the time of Last Judgment. God is not going to weigh people or to judge them. It is you only in your ascent are going to judge yourself. And there are people who are a special category today, who are seeking something higher. Now yesterday a question was raised about the religion part. All these religions which have come on this earth are product of Divine force. All the prophets and incarnations, all of them came on this earth to propound a special milestone within us. On the Tree of Life all of them grew one after another. But people took out or removed them from the Tree of Life saying, “This is my religion, this is my religion.” So believing into something that is dead. So, what Read More …