“The light of love”, Evening before Diwali Puja Lecco (Italy)

“The light of love”, Evening before Diwali Puja, Lake of Como (Italy), 24 Ottobre 1987. [After the chant.]May God bless you all.And all the blessings of Lakshmi, all the Ashta Lakshmi, is upon you. May God bless you Today we have come here to celebrate a great festival of Deepavali, meaning the rows of lights, or the Festival of Lights. It was to celebrate the coronation of Shri Rama also, that is to say symbolically to celebrate the establishment of a kingdom which has a benevolent administration.Today I find all of you here as the lights sitting before Me and with these lights I feel the Deepavali really celebrated; I see the twinkling of those eyes, twinkling in the eye of that light which is within you. In the lamp of light we have to put something that is soft, like ghee; that’s something very mild and soft, is the love of our heart. And that burns to give this soothing light of love to others.Such a person who has this light of love loves himself as well and emits love for others. I’ve been hearing about the way people used to torture themselves to become saintly. There’s no need at all for Sahaja Yogis, at all, to torture themselves. But to be the light of a higher magnitude they have to be full of love and this love they get it from where? You may say it is from Me. It’s true but the sap of the tree flows Read More …

Press Conference Piacenza (Italy)

Press Conference With Shri Mataji, Piacenza, Italy 24-10-1987 19871023_PressConference_Italy Thank you very much. She is going to give the introduction.  Yogi: unclear()  She wants to know if there unclear(Tuner is the fest time..) that she care about feminine incarnation and she wants to know unclear(how easily) to know about this type of a feminine incarnation. Because it is important to know all the women.  Shri Mataji : with all the ?  Yogi: Women. Shri Mataji: I didn’t follow this.. Yogini : She is asking about the female incarnation of the..role Shri Mataji: See you talk of., we talk of the God Almighty as the Father, and Christ as his Son but we don’t talk about the Mother. How can there be a Father and a Son and no Mother? But there is, the Holy Ghost. That’s the Primordial Mother. That time they did not want to talk about the Mother of Christ. Because Christ has a job is to be done that he had to get himself crucified. But if they had known that the mother is also very powerful, they would attack her. And though Christ has forgiven the people who crucified him he would never had forgiven the people who would have attacked his mother. He has eleven powers of destruction. And with anyone of them he could have finished all of them. But there was a special purpose in getting crucified. The message of Christ life is resurrection not crucifixion. Now in these modern times when the Read More …