Conversation Before Public Program

Madrid (Spain)

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1988-05-17 Before Public Program, Madrid Roncali, Spain

Shri Mataji: Yes, Good, Let us see- If my sound also comes into it…That would be best if the sound is there …Because the one Ganesh has done was very beautiful, very nice, beautiful photographs…I think you have to be a good Sahaja yogi to get good photographs… Is it? That’s important …
Is that send you this? This thing …Garland …
Sahaja yogi: No idea, I don’t know
Shri Mataji: Ganesh did …He said it …
Give them all the things …Beautiful…See the light at the top of the Agnya …
Sahaja yogi: Hmm
Shri Mataji: Very beautiful photos has come …
Very Motherly!
This is the another one …2 of them are shining …[unclear]Very beautiful!

Indians would like something like that …
You see what they like is…This …they may like.
Photographs you give them …See this is after my life …Now everybody wants you …They said that but they would like to pay …Europeans want it …So they were saying Where did you get those things for today[unclear] …Only in Spain nowhere else But they just want to pay for it …They say we will not take it for free…So last time …[unclear ]….
It’s beautiful …
How beautiful it is, see …
Sahaja Yogi: They want to ask how much it cost and they want to send you the money in advance.
Shri Mataji: All the Europeans and everybody …I mean Indians we have given now free so much but I think now better do something for the Europeans …They don’t want it free …Charge reasonably whatever you think of.

Sahaja yogi: (some conversation)