Our Religion is to know ourselves and enjoy ourselves Munich (Germany)

Public Program Day 2 1989/07/20 [HINDI – Sit down] [MARATHI – Sit down, sit down] [HINDI – Sit down, please] I’ll speak, I’ll speak later on. They will sing ‘Jogwa’ Just I’ll explain. Jogwa you’re going to sing, na – I’ll explain to them. SY: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: [MARATHI – STOP?] I’m happy you’re enjoying this music and they want to give you, render some more because I think, Philip has already explained, Interpreter: [GERMAN] Shri Mataji: so I don’t have to talk too much then. Interpreter: [GERMAN] Shri Mataji: This Jogwa they are singing, is a song written about 16th century by a poet called Namadeva Interpreter: [GERMAN] Shri Mataji: and he was a tailor and he went to see another saint, who was a potter Interpreter: [GERMAN] Shri Mataji: So when he saw the potter, he just stood silent and he said, in Marathi language it is, ‘That I came to see the Formless,’ that is the vibrations, ‘I came to see the vibrations but here, I find vibrations in Form.” [INTERPRETER – GERMAN] Shri Mataji: So, what an appreciation of another saint; Only a saint can do that, real saint. [INTERPRETER – GERMAN] Shri Mataji: So the saintliness is a state – you cannot certify it. It’s a state. [INTERPRETER – GERMAN] Shri Mataji: So you have to be, you’ll be listening to this song, which was written by Namadeva and later on he went to Punjab and also, at that time, Gurunanaka saw another Read More …