Radio interview, A question of Belief L B C, London (England)

Radio interview, A question of Belief, L B C, London (England) July 30th, 1989 Interviewer: For many years now there’s been a growing interest in this country what are commonly known as the Eastern Mystical Religions and they aren’t very well understood, today in the studio with me is Her Holiness Shri Mataji: Nirmala Devi, now she is the leader of the Sahaja Yoga movement. Mataji, welcome to the studio, let’s take off by looking at the beliefs of the Sahaja Yoga movement. Shri Mataji: Sahaja Yoga is a system by which you get spontaneously your Self-realisation, your self-knowledge by a happening that is within you. In a triangular bone called as sacrum, meaning “sacred”, lies a power which rises and pierces through your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. And then on your central nervous system, you can feel the Collective Consciousness. A new dimension is manifested. Interviewer: So, this starts by happening at birth, which is when people have the soft head as it were. Shri Mataji: No, it in a dormant state and like a seed as in dormant state, a tree, but when the seed is planted into the Mother Earth, spontaneously it sprouts because a living process and evolution is also a living process, so spontaneously it happens when it gets congenial atmosphere. Interviewer: What then is the congenial atmosphere, when a person actually accepts the teachings? Shri Mataji: They don’t have to accept anything blindfolded, because by blindfold you Read More …