Mahashivaratri Puja: Atmasakshatkati ki visheshtaye Pune (India)

SHIVRATRI PUJA TALK, Pune, 23.02.1990(Translated from Hindi) Today is Shivratri and today is the day we pray to Lord Shiva. On the outside, we can gain mastery on our body, its movements, the mind, ego and various functions. Whatever is there in the universe, we can know it and use it like whatever elements that there are in the earth, and what grows, we can use them. We can gain complete supremacy over all this. But this is all an outside manifestation. What we are within is the Spirit. We are Shiva. What is on the outside is destructible. What is born will die. What is created will be destroyed. But what is within, is our Atma, who is our Shiva, who is a reflection as Sadashiva, is indestructible, desireless and free. It is not stuck to anything. It is stainless. By obtaining that Shiva, and getting the Light of that Shiva, we also slowly get renounced. The outside remains as it is, but within, is the atma -permanent and indestructible, always emitting its Light. After Self-realization our life becomes Divine, auspicious and sacred. That is extremely important for human beings to attain. Without that, we cannot lead a balanced life and be truly collective. Nor can we have real love. Also, we cannot know the truth. The pure knowledge can be known only in the light of the Spirit. When one becomes enlightened by the Spirit, then his attention also becomes pure. He does not get involved in anything. Read More …