“Divine Discretion”, Hamsa Chakra Puja & Arrival YMCA - Camp Marston, San Diego (United States)

“Divine discretion,” Hamsa Chakra Puja, Camp Marston, San Diego (USA), 28 May 1990. It’s another great pleasure to come to America to meet you all people here. This one, as I’ve told you, is a very important country in the field of spirituality. Not because it’s a large country or because it is very prosperous but because, as you know, it is the Vishuddhi in the plan of Virat. Vishuddhi is such an important chakra. It has a very great manifestation also. For example it has another subsidiary chakra, which we call as Hamsa Chakra. And the star which is influencing this centre – or the star that resides, on which this centre is working – is Saturn. And, as you know with Saturn there is another small little Saturn moving. In the same way, with this Vishuddhi Chakra, there’s another one which is a very important chakra, which we call as Hamsa Chakra. We have had a puja of Hamsa Chakra in Germany once, and it has acted, I think; because Germans have realised that whatever they have done so far was absolutely inhuman. And I was so happy to see that, when I went to Russia, the people who came to give them Realisation were mostly Germans. It really makes you feel so tender about the whole thing that the Germans felt it is important – I mean, they were the ones who were attracted – to come to Russia to give Realisation to Russians; and you must Read More …