The Mother God Cafe del Rey Moro Balboa Park, San Diego (United States)

Public Program Day 2. San Diego (USA), 31 May 1990. I bow to all the seekers of Truth.As you are seekers of Truth whatever one may tell, you should not accept it, to begin with. People can claim anything but that doesn’t mean that you must believe into it.But one must know that truth is what it is; we cannot organize it, we cannot maneuver it, we can not create it: it is, it was and it will be. And I told you yesterday what is the truth and the truth is that you are the Spirit. You are not this body, you are not these conditionings, your ego, your emotions: you are the Spirit. This is one thing.And then there is a subtle power, living power, power of God’s Love, that does all the living work, all the evolutionary work, all the creation and all the comforting and joyous things, which we do not feel, about which people have talked in every scripture. Like in the Bible they say the All Pervading Power of God; or in Koran they call it gudran [Rooh or al-Qudus]. In Sanskrit language it is called as Param Chaitanya. In every religion, in every scripture, which is sensible, it’s written about it.So, the first thing one has to do is to feel that power. Unless and until you can feel that power, you cannot understand any religion nor the people who came as incarnations or as prophets or as saints. And that is the Read More …