We have come from amoeba state not to be lost Barcelona (Spain)

Public program, day 1,Barcelona ,Spain 15-06-1990 [Introduction in Spanish and singing until min. 13:20]  I bow to all the seekers of truth.  At the very outset we have to know that absolute truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot organize it and we cannot sell it. And also we cannot know it through the human awareness. You have to become a subtler being. If I talk about the flowers and you think about the flowers you cannot get to the honey. When I talk about the honey still you cannot get the honey. You have to become a bee to get the honey. So you have to become the Spirit to know the Divine. We have come from amoeba state not to be lost, not to be destroyed. But what is happening today? I would like to tell you that we are sitting on a volcano of destruction. We have no idea as to how we are going to be destroyed from inside ourselves, not from outside.  If you go to America which is supposed to be a very developed and affluent country, you feel shocked the way diseases have spread into that country. First time I went to America in the year 1973 and I told them about the disease called AIDS that it will be coming but they laughed at me. Then I told them all about all the false gurus, “who are making money out of you, befooling you.” They were very pretentious Read More …