A divine computer Barcelona (Spain)

1990-06-16 Public Program Day 2 in Barcelona, Spain Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. Yesterday so many of you have felt the cool breeze, on the fingertips around your yourself. So one has to know that your spirit has come with your attention & has enlightened your attention. They are placed in your central nervous system now, you can feel these cool breeze. This cool breeze is the all-pervading power. It is the subtle power and you can only feel it when you get your connection with it. That is your spirit has to be brought into your central nervous system. I mean …your attention. Before realization, the spirit exists in the heart and watches every moment of your being. It allows you to do whatever you like. You want to do anything wrong also, you can do it and if you want to do anything good, you can do it. But once this light comes into you then you start seeing what is wrong and what is right. That is why the saints, they[ 10:53 unclear]were anything that was wrong. Now that, this light has come with your [unclear/attention ] and you can feel the all-pervading power, but this power [not so sure about this word/ thinks ]…It understands and it loves you! And When it starts going through you it becomes just like a divine computer. Now if you want to find out, What is the truth …You have to just stretch your hand Read More …