Talk to Scientists Leningrad (Russia)

“Talk To Scientists,” Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), (Russia)  …one electromagnetic energy that you have, what we call as a ‘prana’ – means all the energy from five elements. It has the energy by which we are today human beings from amoeba. And it has the energy which creates desires within us. It has the energy that can cure us and redeems us. And it has the energy that can give us powers so we can do living work. Sahaj Yoga is with that energy, which is in totality, complete consciousness.  And it is a special time today, or you can say in modern times, that there are so many people who are trying to think beyond. We can say it is meta-modernism. And that is something which shows the wisdom of people who understand that we have to go beyond. And they are not satisfied with what they are but they have to go beyond. And there are so many who feel that their awareness is to be expanded.  In this short time whatever was possible I have tried to give you a general picture about Sahaj Yoga. ‘Saha’ means ‘with’, and ‘ja’ is ‘born’. So it is born with you to have this union with that All-pervading Power, this right you have. It works on all living things, and also on energies. For example, you can improve your agriculture with Sahaj Yoga ten times more. You can improve your ecological problem through Sahaj Yog. You can make your animals Read More …