Evening Program before Diwali Puja Venice (Italy)

1990-10-20 EP before Diwali Puja Venice Italy Shri Mataji: See the self-confidence you see that I am a realized soul so what? 🙂[unclear due to sitar instrument in-between Mother’s speech]Then we say yoga as ‘jog’ that is When yoga becomes “jog” it is touchy…[unclear 05:28 ]the attention becomes the spirit. Sahaja yogi (Artist ): And this was on the 30th of September I have a concert …It was the morning concert after the concert I changed and I was staying in Zukh Which is very close to Kha (a place ) So I was staying in Zukh with some friends …[39:25 unclear] when I played last, Rajesh was going back to Bombay and next to him was sitting a lady and Rajesh started talking to this lady, and this lady said Where are you coming from? So Rajesh said there is puja and Shri Mataji was there and We have puja that weekend and Nishant khan played at …And this lady was a friend of mine She was sitting next to Rajesh. So she was very surprised So she said oh I wish I had known about him I would have come and this friend I was again staying [unclear 40:22 /with these friends ]So after my concert I changed into Jeans and the T-Shirt you know …Then I went out left and walking and looking into the old[unclear] city …And we were walking and I was trying to find an [unclear] I was trying to find the restroom and Read More …