Talk Unidentified (India)

Talk Unidentified When there is opposition of any kind, or inconveniences, we start becoming subtler and subtler, as long as we accept it as a challenge. Every seed which is sprouted has a small little primule, out of which comes out the shoot and the root. And the root is so delicate and small. At the tip of the root, there is a very intelligent cell and this cell knows how to carry on its journey. So it gradually penetrates into soft muddy, land, but when it comes across any stone, then it encircles round it. Now, it could manage just avoiding it but no it encircles, so he uses that stone for future, support, of the tree. So intelligent it is, and that’s how it works out its way to the source. So you might start thinking that: “Look at this little cell that you can see through microscope. It has got a sense how to penetrate into the soil, also to go round the stones, also to go towards the, source of water. So what is the guiding factor? We never think about it. All the trees, all the animals, are in complete bandhan of God. Absolutely. They have no freedom of their own in a way. They are completely guided by God, and that guideline is, in that little cell. We have seen many birds flying out, thousands and thousands, all the way, Siberia to Australia. Who guides them? How do they know where is Australia which Read More …