Letter, location unknown, 1991

(Location Unknown)

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Translated from Marathi

My dear Yogi,

A lot of Sahaja Yogis felt hurt after reading Uma Vasudev’s article and I got a lot of letters. Maybe, you also receive a few letters, that’s why I’m writing this to you as some people might be upset with you, even though I think one thing might be beneficial to me. that’s why my attention went to this article. You know how I run away from people touching my feet. Why do you people let non Sahaja Yogis touch my feet? I admit that some people get their Self-realization while touching my feet but even they most of them are troublesome. I’m spared by egoistical people because such people do not come at my feet. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened to these feet? Poor feet would have gotten burnt. I’ll be grateful to Umaji if after reading this article the general public stops touching my feet.

But she should not think of herself as sensible and others as fearful. Does Umaji know everyone’s desires? In this world, everyone is equal but cannot be similar. Everyone has the right to get their Self-realization and develop in that light. Sahaja Yogis believe that I’m the source of this light, based on their experiences. Then, Umaji who is unfamiliar in this matter; shouldn’t insult them by calling them sycophant.

Every journalist feels that he can say anything about anyone. Yes, she can say anything about me, but it’s inappropriate to write about the whole Sahaja Yogi community. She should have known me, but it’s difficult. That’s why I say it’s useless to challenge such people. The reporters of Marathi newspapers are deep and mature. Their knowledge of science can touch the shores of reality.

Maharashtra is a land of saints and most of the educated people are dharmic as well. But if I say this people might think I’m narrow-minded because I’m born in Maharashtra. No one in North India knows about the kundalini, even though Guru Nanak, Kabira have called it ‘Surati’ told about it . In Bihar, where Kabira has worked so much, people call tobacco as surati! Intellectuals have critic-ised Kabira, described his language as a vernacular dialect. Saints who were poets took support of romanticism (to express poetry).

But in Marathi literature, (साहित्य = सह + हित ) [Sāhitya = saha + hita] welfare has been openly talked about which everyone has appreciated, due to which pure faith has been awakened in the general public as well as the intellectuals. Usually, blind faith is found in ego oriented or orthodox people. In all the languages of South India, saints are recognized abundantly. That’s why our culture has thrived in South India and is becoming hollow in North India .

This article is also on the same backdrop, where they tried to know the truth just by the outwardly things. Now we have to see how to turn these  people, who are so satisfied with the outwardness,  to the truth . When will they rise above arguments and web of words, towards pure faith of Nirmal ocean ..that no one knows but, we can always hope. After all, it is  not their fault. This is the influence of politics due to which their Ganges of faith has dried up.

It is sahaja to forgive everyone.

Your Mother,

