Guru Puja: Four Obstacles Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Adi Guru Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), July 28th, 1991. Today, you are all here to worship your Guru. It is a common practice, specially in India, that you must worship your guru, and the guru has to fully be in control of his disciples. Guru Principle is extremely strict, and the strictness made many people could not conform to the ideals of a disciple. In those days the guru had to be, absolutely, the authority and it was the guru who would decide which disciples he’ll have. And one had to go into great tapasya, to great penances, to even become a disciple. And this hardship was the only way the guru used to judge. Gurus would always live in jungles and they would select their disciples, very few, very, very few and they had to go and beg food from the neighboring villages, and cook food for their guru with their own hands, and feed the guru. That sort of guru business is not in Sahaja Yoga. That basically we must understand that the difference between those styles of guruship and that we have now is this, that very few individuals were given the chance to become the guru, very few. And these few also were selected out of quite a lot of people and they felt that they were something really special that they are being selected, chosen, and that whatever they will have to go through is all welcome. With this idea, they became the disciples. Read More …