Shri Ganesha Puja: Shri Ganesha and His Qualities Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 15 September 1991. Today is the happiest day for all of you, for the whole universe, because Shri Ganesha was created. He was created to emit auspiciousness through His ‘Chaitanya’ [Hindi/Sanskrit meaning Divine Vibrations]. First, the whole cosmos was filled with this ‘Chaitanyasrishti’ [Hindi/Sanskrit meaning creation of Divine Vibrations]. Then Brahma Deva came into play, and He created all the matter. But the greatest blessings of the Divine Power was to symbolize ‘Chaitanya’, and this Chaitanya has many aspects, but specially in Shri Ganesha, it is auspiciousness. In these modern times, people have lost the sense of auspiciousness. Everything that emits vibrations, ‘Chaitanya, is auspicious, is ‘Shubh’, and whatever does not, is not, by any chance, auspicious. So, first of all, whatever you worship, whatever you accept, all of them have to be auspicious things. Every shape has a coefficience and all these shapes, which you see, not neccessesarily give vibrations. But in the human beings, also, we find there are many people, like you, who have ‘Chaitnya’ flowing in them. But this ‘Chaitanya’ when it flows, we just take Shri Ganesha for granted. We do not understand that we have to awaken Shri Ganesha within us – means what? What we have to do? There is Shri Ganesha already existing within you and as I said that innocence cannot be lost, so Shri Ganesha is eternal being, eternal child – He cannot be lost and He cannot be destroyed. So, He is all Read More …