Public Program Day 1: Kundalini Ek Mahan Shakti Pune (India)

KUNDALINI EK MAHAN SHAKTI -PUNE 16.12.1991  Translation from Hindi to English My greetings to all the seekers of truth. About truth, one thing we should know is that Truth is what it is. We cannot change it, nor can we tie it with our imagination and with this human awareness, we cannot know it. If we had known the truth that it is ekmev, absolute, after that, there would not be so much tension amongst us, so much quarrel and this type of ignorance would not be there at all. All the Saints, whether they were in India or in some foreign country, everyone had known the Truth and everyone had said the same thing. In our Maharashtra, one great incarnation was there by name Gyaneshwarji. Gyaneshwarji wrote Gyaneshwari at the age of 23 and apart from this, wrote one more beautiful and famous book named “Amrutanubhav”. Earlier, it was a custom that one Guru should have only one disciple only. This was the custom in Nathpanthi also. On one side, they were very ignorant, and on the other side, people were reading Vedas etc. But when it was the question of Self realization, it was Nathpanthis who said it was in Maharashtra. Like Machindra Nath, Gorakhnath. At that time, it was a custom that one Master should have only one disciple. But in twelfth century, Gyaneshwarji prayed to his respected Guru, who was also his elder brother, and requested him to give permission to tell about this knowledge to Read More …