Kundalini Gauri Puja Lake Road Ashram, Melbourne (Australia)

Shri Kundalini Gauri Puja. Melbourne (Australia), 16 February 1992. Come inside, you can, all of you can come inside, there is space. Every body, do space for these people, just move. This side.Don’t sit in the sun. [Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi.] I’m sorry today I have to speak about something unpleasant to begin with, before the Puja. Later on we’ll have the Puja of the Kundalini, the Gauri. All right? The unpleasant things are – I’m sorry to say that about Melbourne- that it has been a very funny experience, in this place, Melbourne, and I really feel very sorry that I’ve brought this Elio to this country. He’s an uneducated, absolutely starving person in Portugal. And he had nothing to eat even. And I told you that I sent lots of ceramic, a truck load to them. They sold it and ate all the money. So that doesn’t matter. And then I paid for him to come here, he got here, married to a nice girl. But I think he was a bhoot from the very beginning, or I don’t know what to say. There is no sense of gratitude, no sense of self-esteem, he didn’t know what he was, and he became really, really a big bhoot, in the sense that he started playing in the hands of Satan.I didn’t know what was happening. He came down to Pratisthan and people said: “Mother, who is this rakshasa who has come?” And he came with Trish. You Read More …