Talk to Sahaja Yogis on Arrival Brisbane (Australia)

Talk to Yogis on Arrival from Sydney. Brisbane (Australia), 18 February 1992. Our education system in the West, I don’t know about others but, here, in Australia, I was surprised the way teachers are controlled. Not the children, and after some time, I think all children will become like brats, and take to… Yogi: Very short time. Shri Mataji: …very short time, and they take to drugs I mean. You are not supposed to tell anything to your children, you are not supposed to, control them. Can’t understand. There’s a new theory that has come, stupid, that: ‘Let them express themselves’. What will they express? They are not matured. They don’t see the nature. You see when a fruit comes out, it has to be allowed to grow. That’s why you become so haphazard and, you become scatterbrains actually I don’t know. Attention is so much, all around. What have they achieved I don’t know. In the recent years have you heard of anyone, who has, done some miracles (SOUNDS LIKE with children) in the science or anywhere? Nothing. Children are so wise. I must tell you [INAUDIBLE] not only your child, everybody’s. The parents are natural [INAUDIBLE] but you should see the teachers, they are all becoming mad. Now they are building the top storey [INAUDIBLE] to conduct classes. It will take about three-four months, but because of the children it is taking so much time. They all rush up, upstairs, take the hammer, do this, hit that, run Read More …