Adi Kundalini Puja: Pure Love Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Kundalini puja, Cabella Ligure (italy), 21 June 1992. Today we have gathered here to worship the Adi Kundalini and your own Kundalini, both of them, because your Kundalini is the reflection of the Adi Kundalini. We have understood a lot about Kundalini and also we know that through Her awakening only, through Her ascent only, we have ascended into a very higher realm of consciousness. It’s not only that we have risen to a very higher realm of awareness but that it has granted us so many powers that, never before in the history of spirituality people had this power of awakening of Kundalini. As soon as they got their awakening perhaps, they went more on to the left or to the right, and tried to achieve powers which were not so much for the benevolence of others. Buddha has written clearly that, “When the incarnation of future Buddha, that is Maitreya, three Mothers put together, comes in, that time it will be used for the benevolence of people.” This is one of the signs, “of the people”, not only of Sahaja Yogis but of the people. So how can it be unless and until those who are Buddhas, means those who are Realized souls know the science of Kundalini? Those people who had very little knowledge about Kundalini, who must have read in some scriptures or somewhere which is being described, started misusing it and so they became tantrikas. But tantra, as you know very well, is the mechanism Read More …