Evening Program Two Plays: Blake Play, The Seekers Eve Of Guru Puja

Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

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Evening Program, Eve of Guru puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 18/07/1992

I have to make a little request to all of you that, this program is hosted by Italians and Germans, so they are the hosts. So allow other people to sit in front, would be better, they are your guests, specially people who are coming from far away, like we have people coming from all the way – like Canada, America. Also this side, we have people from England, also people who are coming from Turkey, India, Hong Kong, Australia; they should be given some better place to sit down. And the ladies who are – especially ladies –who are from Italy and Germany, should move more out a little bit, so they get a better chance to come forward. And of course, the leaders have to be in front no doubt. [Shri Mataji giggles] And also the musicians should be in front.

[Yogi takes microphone and announces more countries and individual names to come in front, at Shri Mataji’s request. Program resumes] 

Babamama: Before we commence the singing, I have a confession to make before you all. As a brother of Shri Mataji, I have known Her for fifty-nine years now, and I can tell you that, this aspect of Her was not known to me till today, or till yesterday, and I was quite taken aback – as a brother – when I saw that She was composing so beautifully, and in chaste Hindustani classical music. And She of course, in all Her humility, ascribed it to the hammering of the music that is in the family, but I can tell you that this is a facet which She never revealed to us also, to the brothers and sisters. We are so grateful to Her to reveal it now. Jai Shri Mataji. [applause]

As She has said today that, She has to tell us as to what we should ask from the Guru. So, we also do not know in Her benevolence, in Her love and in Her affection, as to what we should ask from Her. So this is what Her love has to done to us, so we must also thank Her for giving us so much of love that we have forgotten to ask what we should ask from Her. But anyway, thank you Shri Mataji for reminding us, and we will definitely keep on asking You. Jai Shri Mataji. [He translates the words of Binati Suniye] 

It is a mixture of Raag Kafi and Raag Bageshree, purely created by Shri Mataji. [Nirmal Sangeet Sarita perform premiere of Binati Suniye]

The next song is composed by Shri Mataji, in Raag Bhairavi, and She has also edited the lyrics. It has been written by Nirmal [sounds like/Kanta] It is in praise of the Mother of Shri Ganesh.  [Translation and performance of Jai Jai Janani Shri Ganeshki] 

We are repeating the first song, and we will repeat every line twice so that you can also follow us. Shri Mataji wants total collectivity, and you must sing along with us; all of you.  And you can – that’s a big assurance of Shri Mataji. [Binati Suniye repeated]

This is a demand from everyone to Shri Mataji. It doesn’t mean that this is the end of the demands. You must ask to the Guru whatever you want to, in order to achieve your ascent – not complaints about your ill health, no, but about your ascent, about the joy of Spirit. That is what the demand is. You have asked the Guru Pada, which means you have achieved the status of a guru yourself, so then what is there to be asked. Thank You Shri Mataji, thank You very much.

[a bhajan by Western Yogis. Gap in audio followed by a sketch]

[William Blake* Play performed by Sahaja Yogis ]

These English young artists have really rendered it. It’s so remarkable, beautiful. My heart is really full of joy. All these things, if we can really somehow or other put into the heads of people who are lost, the ignorance in which they are just getting drowned, you just forgive them, forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing now. But I’m sure what he has prophesised will come true, hundred per cent. May God bless you, may God bless England.[Applause]

It’s tremendous. We have had a very, very serious sort of a play [Shri Mataji laughs] and it’s good, because you see, hundred years back how could this great poet see the vision of today, you see? Not only that, he has described the house which will be built by the Golden Builders. The house was on Brompton Square, and he said it’s on a brook. So somehow we had to open it out and we went down, we found there was a brook there. It was built on the two shores, you can say, two – [Shri Mataji in Hindi:’kya kehetha hai’ ‘how do we say?’ About the shore of the brook] − on the two sides of the brook.

And the whole span was covered with trusses so long as eighty feet, ninety feet [24 to 27 meters]. So you can imagine, there was a brook running down below. All the description of the house, everything, is absolutely correct. Then he has also described our first ashram, Chelsham Road, where he said will be shattered by a bomb – it’s a fact. There was. Everything that he’s described, I mean, he’s such a detailed visionary he was. Another is C. S. Lewis, is another great visionary who has described our procession in India, into such details that it’s impossible to believe. So not that they were only scholarly, but they really were visionaries, and it’s not just imagination but is the imagination which enters through the Divine Power. And then it reaches to reality, so clearly. I don’t know how much these people have worked hard for us, how much they have done for us. Even as we have Namadeva, who has sung that: ‘Oh Mother, give me my Yoga,’ all of them have talked about this, sung about it. But somehow or other, in the Kali Yuga, people have gone into darkness, into ignorance. So forgive them. And I’m sure many will come out of it, I’m very sure, and their visions were absolutely correct and all those visions will be completely fulfilled. May God bless you.

Now, the last one should be little more joyous note we should have, and it’s a small little drama, but I think I don’t know how much they have expanded it. Because I just gave them a sort of a, you can say the framework. But they said it has now become international, so I don’t know how many people are acting and how it is working out. But they said that we have to go, people had to go through the false gurus to know Mother. This was their theme they had given Me and it has worked out, well I think so. I don’t know what they have done about it. [laughs] I just gave them the framework.

[‘The Seekers’ play’ is performed]

[Nirmal Sangeet Sarita play more bhajans with Babamama giving translations in between]

*(about William Blake)