Every human being is born with this potential faith in Divinity Bucharest, Polyvalent Hall (Romania)

Public Program. Bucharest (Romania), 21 July 1992. …It has to happen to you. It’s described in all the Scriptures that you are to be born again and every human being is born with this potential faith in Divinity. Whatever one may try to attack it, it exists there all the time. So, potentially you are all divine and the truth is that you are the Spirit. But gradually how our faith is challenged, in these modern times there are so many ways our faith is challenged. First of all, there are many false prophets called as gurus from every country, specially from India. They have destroyed not only your faith but also possibility of your achieving your ascent. These are the special times, when you are born. This is the time of Last Judgment. You have to keep your mind open like a scientist because this is the time you are going to enter into the Kingdom of God. This is your special privilege. Whatever you might have done, whatever mistakes you might have committed, your spirituality, your divinity is intact. Second attack you can say is from the so-called religions, because these religions are not Spirit-oriented, they are money-oriented or power-oriented. Take any religion, it may be a Hindu, Muslim, Christians, any one, everybody is capable of committing any sin. It has not created those special people who are described as evolved souls. On the contrary, they are all fundamentalists and fighting with each other. They do not want Read More …