Finland is Hamsa Chakra

Nittykummun Ashram, Helsinki (Finland)

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Talk to Sahaja Yogis, 5th August 1992, Ashram in Niittykumpu, Espoo, Finland

Sahaja Yogi: Now, I should study French.
Shri Mataji: Now you talk like kids. [Shri Mataji laughs]
Hello, everyone!
Locating your presents, was the problem. Locating, locating we found.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes
Shri Mataji: Sorry for late.
We were searching for your presents.
Go ahead [Shri Mataji says that to the Yogi].
Beautiful place they have.
From distance, nobody can do it. And he is telling Me that the [inaudible] language is very near Sanskrit.
Please be seated.
The sound was just like Indian sounds. What a surprise! Just like Indian. Some places it was, I feel that you don’t know which word to combine [unsure] but the sound, isn’t it? Absolutely. Sorry, we took so much time.
We were busy locating your presents.

Shri Mataji: They’ll bring it.
Sahaja Yogini: Hum?
Sahaja Yogi: You can go downstairs
Shri Mataji: Somebody should go, somebody who knows.
You should ask them.
[Cut in the video]

Because sometimes he’s saying, you can learn German. What else?
Sahaja Yogi: French.
Shri Mataji: French.
Sahaja Yogi: Marastrian.
Shri Mataji: Marastrian. You’ll all become linguists. And you know, if you know these languages, so many, you will become a translator and so highly paid job.
Hello [to a young girl], what happened to you yesterday to you? Come along. Now, will you eat something? Take this.
I’ll give you another one. Come along, just take it.

[Cut in the video]

She couldn’t feel the vibrations. And she told Me that she had been a disciple of this a disciple of that. They have still their disciples such as Sai Baba.
Sahaja Yogi: No, no, Rajneesh.
Shri Mataji: Rajneesh!
Rajneesh was very popular here, was he?
Sahaja Yogi: I don’t think very popular, not so. No.
Shri Mataji: Some people do.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes.
Shri Mataji: Yesterday there was one, another fellow who asked Me.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes. He had only read, he had only seen the book.
Shri Mataji: Rajneesh’s style was like this: you get a book, then he will put his own ideas and [inaudible].
Sahaja Yogi: Yes.
Shri Mataji: Always like this he used to do. And that’s how you see, he wrote lots of books. He knows that people read and they will read and like, they will get into their heads all these things. So that was his trick. And there was a regular, I mean, organization which was doing this. Just taping him and whatever he said, they just translated it and distributed it. Because he knew that people are very book-oriented. He was like Freud, you see, Freud. He was like, absolutely like Freud. But he knew that in India he could not be so open, like Freud, because they’ll throw him out. So, he took a little camouflage, I would say. A little camouflage, hiding.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes.
Shri Mataji: And ultimately, it came out, the truth, when he had these foreign disciples he started talking about the free sex, mass sex which even Freud had not said, mass sex. And this mass sex business really exposed him.
There’s an English man who went there and he made a hole in a window.
Sahaja Yogi: What?
Shri Mataji: A hole, hole in a window.
Sahaja Yogi: Ah, ah, in a window.
[Shri Mataji laughs.]

Shri Mataji: And he puts his camera through this, very, very sensitive camera. And he photographed all that mass business very clearly. So, then it was brought to London and shown on BBC: God [unsure] to run away. The name of the-
Sahaja Yogi: God [unsure] to run away.
Shri Mataji: Run away. Because he went away from there, India, to America. And some English Sahaja Yogis taped it, they taped it. That program, they taped it.
Sahaja Yogi: Some?
Shri Mataji: Some English Sahaja Yogis got it on the tape that day’s program from the BBC. But then he bought it at the BBC at a very high price and said that you cannot show it publicly. But we have got three or four copies at least.

[Cut in the video]

It is your duty to look after them. The programs should be such, that you should work them out, inside Helsinki, as well as you should go out into smaller cities.
And one thing is very important, how you are leading that group. It’s very important. You must get rid of your egos, first of all. And in Sahaja Yoga you should never say: “You are a bhoot”, or things like that. Or, “You are possessed.” Just talk on chakras. That this chakra is caught, that chakra is caught up.
Also, you should cleanse yourself at home. And also in the collectivity. All the ladies, specially, must know everything about Sahaja Yoga. Men know everything, but women are the – they are more emotional. You must know each and everything, which chakra is where, on the feet where they are, on the body where they are, inside where they are, what are they, everything. So, you could have a course like that.

You’ll have to be very gentle, compassionate, and not to say things that will hurt them. That will really make them feel that these are different people. Moreover, Sahaja Yogis should never contradict among themselves. But when it comes to argument, better not have it with others. But somebody is aggressive, then you all should join together. Do not support the other one, because he is negative.
Support your leader, always. Support the leader. If I find anything wrong with the leader, I’ll remove him. But you don’t fight with your leader.
Luckily, you have a very good leader, I would say. Any problems, anything, you can always write to me.
And you should try to cure people, but don’t touch them, use the photograph.
You can give balance, you can give to chakras bandhans, but don’t touch them. The most important thing is taking a bandhan. Very important.
Before going out of the house, before sleeping, before addressing the people. Or treating someone: when you are treating somebody, take yourself a bandhan, give that person a bandhan, and then treat him. That will help you.
Now for example, if her sisters are doing like that [the translator explains that they are going to a wrong guru] you take her name, and give her a bandhan. It will work out.[Shri Mataji is giving a bandhan] You’ve got one sister only?
Sahaja Yogi: Two sisters.
Shri Mataji: Instead of arguing, best is to give bandhan.
Now, there are some little presents I could manage to bring, in this travelling of six countries all around. And in Russia, I have been to five places, and I‘ve been able to save some things.
Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, this is all, all too much [unclear].
Shri Mataji: No, no, no. It’s is a just, I – just a small.

Now what is this?
Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, we are, from our heart, we are giving this sari for you.
Shri Mataji: Robert, there is no puja!
Sahaja Yogi: No, no we want to offer it.

Shri Mataji: Beautiful sari. Such an expensive one. Nex time, we’ll definitively have a puja, because I’ll stay here for a longer period. So, we can have a puja, because we had one puja, then this puja, then another Krishna puja and another.
Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, many, many people from Finland were in Italy for Mahalakshmi puja.
Shri Mataji: Yes, they came for Mahalakshmi puja. Mahalakshmi puja was very good isn’t it?

Thank you very much, beautiful. Now these presents, I had to give to somebody else. Because people had [unclear] one leader.
[Unclear conversation with Alga] All right, just give the first one.

So we- I have got this one for you. It’s the tree that you have here. It’s a painting done by a Russian. It’s there.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes, we have a lot of them.
Shri Mataji: This is for your wife.
Now for men.
Sahaja Yogi: For the men. Tuomas especially, a wallet.
[Sahaja Yogis come to get a wallet from Shri Mataji]

Nice vibrations. They do very nice things.

For Patrick, I have something, can you bring that belt. So, it is just sufficient. I have something for you, special.

[Shri Mataji distributes ornaments to the ladies]
As they told me they are very tall.
They are gold painted and will last for some time.
[Cut in the video]

Patrick: Should I put it around the neck, Shri Mataji?
Shri Mataji [to Alga]: Now take the child. All right, all right you take.
Alga: Mummy, mummy, mummy.

Now for the elder ladies. I wouldn’t call you elder lady.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes.
Shri Mataji: She is quite young.
Sahaja Yogi: We are all, almost, coming from the teenage, most of us are so young.
Shri Mataji: You are all teen-agers, are you?
Sahaja Yogi: Most of us.
Algo: How old are you?
Sahaja Yogi: 31. 32. But in the beginning of Sahaja Yoga, all the people were very young.

Shri Mataji: Is it good? Is it good for you? Is it all right? Let me see, oh! It looks nice.
All the remaining ladies can come here.
This is a real stone, they said.
There are no plastics in it.

Size is the most.

It looks nice, I tell you.

Now for tall ladies, we have something more. And for shorter ladies also.
This is for the tall ladies [one bracelet]. Somebody can take it and give them.

[Distribution of presents to the ladies]

Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, we want to show still our gratitude that we have. This has been a great privilege to have you first day in our country and this is the drawing of Maya. This is the way she sees us.
Shri Mataji: Very sweet, very sweet. And here is the Mother, is she? On the sides. Very good. Thank you very much.

Sahaja Yogi: And then, Shri Mataji, Thou said in Kundalini Puja, when we were giving that silver kumbha as the puja present, and there was a duck. Thou said that, “In Finland there are lot of ducks, and even the ducks could not have that much discrimination.”
[Shri Mataji laughs].
After this, we have got this much discrimination that we are willing to give Thou a swan. [Yogi gives a figurine of swan to Shri Mataji.] Here are You!
Shri Mataji: You have swans.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes.
Shri Mataji: You have had the maximum number of swans. So the “nishanga” [absence of attachment] should be much more like swans. Swans are more. As they say there is a couplet in Sanskrit. Beautiful!
Beautiful! What a balance.
What a balance.
And the- there‘s a couplet, very beautiful: “Hamsah shwetah bakah.” In Sanskrit [in the Ramayana]. “Hamsah shwetah bakah. Soje [?] dudh, hamsa baka hai.” The – what is that bird which, which stands on one foot?
Sahaja Yogi: It’s “haikara”. [Finnish word for “stork”]
Shri Mataji: So the stork is white and the swan is also white. What is the difference between these two?
Hamsaha, Hamsa is swan [in Sanskrit]. Hamsaha- and Hamsa chakra. Hamsa are swans. And bakaha are the stork. But I can’t remember the name. It’s another one. [“baka” means “crane” but also “stork”.]
So they are all white. But what is the difference between the two? The difference is: “Nira kshira viveku.” [nira: water; kshira: milk; viveka: discrimination] If you put water and milk together, a swan will just take the milk. When the discretion between the water and the milk is to be done, then “Hamsaja hamsaja baka hap[?].” Then hamsa remains hamsa, “baka ri [?]”. When it is the discretion between water and milk.

That’s why it’s swan. Swan is in India respected very much. Because it is divine bird. It has discretion. It can separate the water from milk.
And that’s why I told him that: “For swan’s discretion, you should look at Finland!”
Sahaja Yogi: What did you say?
Shri Mataji: You should look at Finland for divine discretion. It’s a Hamsa chakra here. It’s a Hamsa chakra.
Sahaja Yogi: Finland?
Shri Mataji: Aa! [meaning yes]
Sahaja Yogi: What?
Shri Mataji: It’s a Hamsa charka Finland.
Sahaja Yogi: Finland?
Sahaja Yogini: Finland.
Shri Mataji: Aa!
Sahaja Yogi: You know, I thought this is Agnya.
Shri Mataji: Ha? No, no, no, no. Agnya is only in Russia and China.
But it’s here Hamsa chakra.

[A Sahaja Yogi is bringing to Shri Mataji his poetry]
Shri Mataji: Marion, you got something for- oh…!
Very creative …That’s so well… See this one…Very creative you people are… So, he is a poet also.

[Shri Mataji is reading a poem.]
Sahaja Yogi: [Unclear]
Shri Mataji: You are from where ?
Sahaja Yogi: From Finland.
Shri Mataji: From Finland.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes.
Shri Mataji: But why should they would come to you of all the persons?
Sahaja Yogi: They knew that he was a popstar.
Shri Mataji: Ah, I see. The only trouble with the popstars are, that what they sing, no body hears it. You shoud be more clear.
Sahaja Yogi: [Unclear] people would turn away.
Shri Mataji: They won’t. You see, mostly those people who like these kinds of things are mostly drug addicts. But sensible people would like something very clear.

You have written about green sari and I am wearing green sari. [Laughter] You see, what a combination! She has [Alganesh] brought up another one. I said, “No, I’ll wear this”. Can you read it out, loudly.
Sahaja Yogi: OK.
Shri Mataji: May God bless you.

I feel your touch in the breath of spring
And I hear your whisper on a sitar’s string
On your green sari, you let your children run.

I’ve been touched by the power of your love
And I feel the cool winds blowing in my soul
I am like a tree on a desert. Thirsty for your love.

Let the rain fall down on our sorrows
Let it rain into our souls
Please forgive the things we’ve done
Oh Goddess of the earth.

I was lost, stranded in the great white void
But now I only want to grow on the fields of joy
On your green sari, that is where I belong.

Oh Lord, we’ve spent a life time on a quest for paradise
And it only takes a moment to realize
That on your green sari,
that is where it’s always been.

Let the rain fall down on our sorrows
Let it rain into our souls
Please forgive the things we’ve done
Oh Goddess of the earth.

Om Shri Bhoomi Devi sakshat
Shri Nirmala Devi namo namaha.

Just image, I should wear a green sari with flowers of all the things. This I never wore throughout. That is the power of your love, really. That creates all those coincidences.
I’ll tell you an instance, recently, I told you about Wolfgang.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes.
Shri Mataji: He is such a strong Sahaja Yogi and a very controlled. He is a physical teacher of all the pilots and all that. He is a teacher. Then he discovered, it is at 9:30. And he rushed to this airport and sent me a word, but I took a little time to get ready, because I had not reached. So, we reached the airport at about 15 minutes late. And the lady there, on the ground thing, she started just shouting at me, “What do you mean by ‘this way’? You are not fair. You are this. You are that”. I mean it was too much, really, what she said. That’s why I now realized that when people have to go to the airport, you take the name of the airport and they become mad. Because anybody can shout at you. If they want, they should take away their plane too, also. I mean, they can take away their plane, why should they shout?

This lady shouted and he felt very sad. Then we went and sat in the plane. And Alga saw him crying, with tears in his eyes. And he is a very strong person, you see, but he couldn’t bear it. So, she told him, “Don’t feel bad. It’s all right, it’s all right”. She was telling him. And there were more than fifty Sahaja Yogis standing on the balcony, watching us. And they felt a big wind, a very big wind came from the plane. and threw vibrations to them. And they felt so blissful, they closed their eyes. They never had such an experience before. And in a second, the whole sky was covered with clouds. In a second. There was not a single cloud, even like this. In a second.

They were amazed, “How is it? So much clouds, so many black clouds”. And then the engineer told us that the plane has been out of order for the last half an hour, and they cannot go. And when we went in the airport, at the airport they said, “All flights cancelled!”. Then he got after that woman.
“Now, he said, we all should shout at you. You had no business to talk like you did”. But it is the Sahaja Yogis, they asked me, “Mother what had happened like this?”. I said, “This is the power of Wolfgang’s love for me”.’
Sahaja Yogi: Wolfgang’s
Shri Mataji: Love for me.

You do not know your powers. How tremendous it is. And it had not rained in Prague, all these months, they were waiting for the rain. And it rained and rained and rained. In English, we say, “It rained cats and dogs”, like that. Tremendous. And days together. So, this is what it is. Try to understand your powers. Now, this green sari must have brought fruit, really.
[Laugher]. So thank you very much for everything.
May God bless you.

Shri Mataji: l was thinking, you can keep the sari for [unclear].
Sahaja Yogi: We have another one.
Shri Mataji: Another one.

I hope you liked the small presents.
Sahaja Yogi: Beautiful, Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: Are they? There are some extra ones, if you get some other people, you can give them.
For the little children also, give them. Do you think they [unclear].
Alganesh: We have chocolate.
Shri Mataji: Chocolate [Hindi].
Alganesh: Yes, I give him chocolate.

What are these flowers? They are beautiful. These we do not get anywhere. None of these.
Sahaja Yogi: This, I don’t know. What is the name? Shri Mataji, we don’t know.
Shri Mataji: I have never seen one like this. They look something like, we call it ‘Morning Glory’ which is blue in colour. Beautiful.
This is what you are going to use for the nose?
Sahaja Yogi: For the nose? Yes.
[Shri Mataji is vibrating the elements] It is nice.
That’s sugar? Salt. This is wheat.

[Cut in the video]
You buy here? [About ghee]
Sahaja Yogi: Yes we do. We must do it. We do it ourselves.
Shri Mataji: You have butter here?
Sahaja Yogi: Yes, we have. We produce very much milk for that.
How much is butter, how much for a kilo?
Sahaja Yogi: Four or five pounds, Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: For a kilo. It is expensive here.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes, because they are supporting these farms. They support the farms.
Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. But otherwise, it is expensive. England is much cheaper.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes it is. We are even selling for the foreign countries [unclear].
Shri Mataji: Ah, it must be that. Foreign exchange.
You can put it in a bottle, put a [pipette] and every morning, one drop in the nose. For Hamsa Chakra. The bottle should be held under a hot water tap and it a little heat up. Because sometimes, it also [unclear]. That’s oil.
Olive oil is good for hair. You see, for the hair, because you are a cold country.
Sahaja Yogi: Especially in winter.
Shri Mataji: In winter, heat it up a little bit. But for Indians, it is not so cold. For Indians, it is coconut oil.

[Shri Mataji is washing her hands]
This water is also good for the skin.
Sahaja Yogi: What water? There.
[Unclear] This water if they can use for the skin, it is very good.
We have other things, a lot more in India. It had been prepared for allergies. We have something in India which is for the liver.
Sahaja Yogi: Do you have here or in India?
Shri Mataji: Maybe in Cabella, I’ll see. I’ll see if I have. 55:38
Also for pimples and – also, I may be having something.
Sahaja Yogi: Pimples, Shri Mataji, Sahaja Yoga is curing [unclear]
Shri Mataji: Automatically. But still, if you need. What else? And for pains and all that? Did you buy any ‘ Moov’ in India? Moov?
Sahaja Yogi: Yes. But ‘Moov’, that is finished [unsure]
Shri Mataji: [Unclear]
Sahaja Yogi: … it is white. Hala.
Shri Mataji: Hala is very good.
Sahaja Yogi: It is very good.
Shri Mataji: And for liver you get Liv 52.
Sahaja Yogi: We have this.

Shri Mataji: It comes through Russia. Only when you’ll come to India, we will organise this.
Sahaja Yogi: We were only five people last time in India. We went through this [unclear].
Shri Mataji: Travelling like traders.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes, we had forty kilos extra weight and the airport officer was, “Oh, let’s see”. [Unclear explanation of the conversation]
Shri Mataji: Indians are very nice people. They are very kind. In India, foreigners are respected as gods. Because it is one of the culture, that those who are coming from outside are gods. So, you must look after them. Also, those who are your guests, of course. It is a very different type of a culture, very different. The ladies would love to cook for you and serve you. You say, “I am willing to eat”. Ah, ah!

Sahaja Yogi: [Unclear story of his stay in India]
Shri Mataji: They get very anxious. They feel very happy. It is cultural.

[Cut in the video]

Sahaja Yogi: I saw it in Delhi. It is tremendous. It changed my view.
Shri Mataji: No people don’t know about Indians.
This time they are very excited about the people who are coming.
Sahaja Yogi: In Delhi.
And from Delhi, we are going to Haryana, to [unclear]. Such an excitement. They want to take you to Agra to see Taj Mahal. And also to Jaipur, near Ahmedabad, Abu. Near Ahmedabad, there’s a beautiful temple in Abu. Marble temple.
Sahaja Yogi: In Ahmedabad?
Shri Mataji: Near Ahmedabad. It’s a beautiful temple and such a marble, I mean, marble work of say 12 feet height, by 12 feet down, made into a vault, one piece. 12, 20 feet, one piece. 22 big feet, maybe more also.

And inside, all carvings, beautiful, of musicians, very beautiful, very delicate. Taj Mahal, also, we had lots of these precious stones, semi-precious, precious, taken away by the English. Once upon a time, it was a very rich country, very rich. Mahmud Ghazni looted us in one part, Pakistan. Mahmud Ghazni looted our country. Looted.
Sahaja Yogi: Robbed.
Shri Mataji: He plundered.
And 32 thousand camels came, I mean, in caravan, 32 thousand. And it is in Iran now, called as the richest site in Iran, in Teheran. The richest site, it’s called as the richest site, all these things.
Sahaja Yogi: What is ‘richest site’?
Shri Mataji: All these things are put in a place in Teheran. And it is called as the richest site in the world. Richest region of the world. I went there. The door itself is 6 feet thick. And only six people can enter and two armed guards who also can enter. There are also armed guards inside. Now you see the dimensions. It is 100 metres by 100 metres, a big hall.

Diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, pearls all kept in a basket, like this, small, small. Like, just like chana, all over. Emeralds, pearls, diamonds. And they also have a peacock throne, which has got seven steps to go up, peacock throne, of gold absolutely. Peacock. And whatever is remaining out of that, they have made the big globe of 20 metres, like this; globe; where all is of gold.

And wherever they are snow peaks, they are shown with diamonds, snow peaks. Snow. Peaks covered with snow, shown with diamonds. They put diamonds there. And Mother earth, the rubies.
Sahaja Yogi: And rubies?
Shri Mataji: Rubies for the Mother Earth. And the green, for forest, emeralds. And blue sapphire for the earth and also pearls for the snow. You see, such big, big pearls I have seen, such big, big pearls, all from India. So many big, big diamonds like nails. One of them was taken by the English. One by the Germans. The big one is called ‘Koh-i-noor’.
Sahaja Yogi: ‘Koh-i-noor’, yes, I know.
Shri Mataji: Cut half for the queen’s head.
Still, we have so many things. In Mysore, you did not see, but there is a big elephant of gold in Mysore, and just like an elephant, in gold, in Mysore. I don’t think you saw that, you went to Mysore, but you didn’t see, because you were late.

There is another one in [unclear] He has got gold cutlery, crockery for 500 people. Gold, cutlery, crockery for 500 people he has got.
And nobody steals it. You can’t imagine, so much wealth, you see, and even the poor people have seen them. There is no competition in India. Now see, if I give a diamond to my servant she won’t wear, she wears [unclear]. It is symbolic of different jobs you do, or the status that you have. But they don’t have competition, they don’t have jealousies. This mangal sutra was offered. In my family, I have to wear diamonds. For my family and royal [unsure] family wear diamonds. Then, another family wears gold. Another family wears silver. Another family of brass, nobody feels competitive.

That’s how we manage. No competition, no class consciousness. And everybody is respected according to age. Like, we had servants in my family, who were serving the father of my husband. So, we all had to touch his feet, my husband also had to touch his feet. Any elderly person comes in, then you have to get up and pay respect. Elderly, older than you. You are not to answer back. It’s like that.

A son may be Prime Minister, he has to touch the feet of his father. When I went to see our President once, I had cured him. So, he sat on the ground, near my feet. he wouldn’t sit on a chair. Because I am a Saint, you see. Even the Governors or anyone, they will not sit with me on the same level. Even one Prime Minister, when I went to see him, he sat. And my husband was working with one Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri. He used to open the door of my car.
[Cut in the video]

He was sitting opposite to me. I suggested, “It’s too hot”. So, there was one ‘sardarji [officer], who was in the Foreign Minister, he asked him to sit at my feet. And Shastriji said in Hindi language, “When they are supposed to be godly, they feel so hot”. So they have that sense you see, a saint is a saint. You cannot be higher than them. Even the customs in India, if you are wearing my badge, they will never question you. In Delhi, one lady was bringing some silver. At that time, it was not allowed to bring silver in a bag. And one customs officer stopped her and asked her to open the bag. And my photograph was on the top. So he did ‘namaste’ [inaudible]

They all have respect. They all want to have Realisation. They are very God-fearing people. Even the Muslims are very God-fearing in India. But we also, you see, once we fall in the trap of materialism, we might also, if Sahaja yoga doesn’t establish, Indians can go down also. One has to be very careful.

I am very happy I could come today and talk to you. That is why I told them, “Don’t have a morning flight”, have evening flight. Because I wanted to meet you.
May God bless you.

For Diwali, all people can come, if they can pay, very good, if they can’t pay, it’s all right.
Sahaja Yogi: If they cannot pay?
Shri Mataji: It’s all right.
[Sahaja Yogis: Woah]
Shri Mataji: You can come by a boat.
Sahaja Yogi: No. [Laughter] We can go through Austria with a boat, not through the Alpes.
Shri Mataji: You can go to Russia and then take this Russian flights.
Sahaja Yogi: Really? I requested it from Bogdan. And Bogdan said [unclear]
Shri Mataji: I will ask him because they are coming by bus from Russia. [Unclear conversation] Also difficult?
Sahaja Yogi: No, no, and we came to Guru Puja with two buses.
Shri Mataji: Really?
Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Through Estonia.
Shri Mataji: It was all right?
Sahaja Yogi: It was all right but the border from Lithuania to Poland is a problem. They have their mafia. Mafia is there and they have people earning salary in the queue. They go in the queue and they try to sell the [unclear] for 150 dollars. It is very rotten.
Shri Mataji: Is it in Warsaw?
Sahaja Yogi: In Lithuanian border.

Shri Mataji: But if you can go to Leningrad, you don’t have to go further by boat. And then take a bus. It is much better that way. And the train is also very cheap from there to Moscow. It’s a very cheap train. I think you can ask Bogdan for that. Russia, you get this visa all right, isn’t it?
Sahaja Yogi: Yes, yes.
Shri Mataji: [Unclear] It all takes a lot of time.

We can arrange this with [unclear]. Lithuania, you need not. You go directly to Leningrad. It is much better. And also, what you can call, it is easier, because from Leningrad you can get a train, night, overnight train. It will take you right up to Moscow, even further up to the end of Russia. We can arrange it. But your passport number and your photograph must be sent so we can get a visa as soon as we get it. You have to pass one more country sometimes.
Czechoslovakia is all right. Yugoslavia. We will find out which one.

Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, there is a seminar.
[Cut in the video]

Sahaja Yogi: Is it before?
Shri Mataji: What operation?
Sahaja Yogi: There is a cut, operation.
Sahaja Yogi: Operation.
Shri Mataji: There is a cut.
Sahaja Yogi: Inside.
Shri Mataji: Does she get constipated? Constipation does she have?
Sahaja Yogi: No, no constipation.
Shri Mataji: How can it be. You can reach with your hand there? Put your left hand. On the left side or right?
Sahaja Yogini: I don’t know.
Sahaja Yogi: All the sides.
Shri Mataji: All right. Left hand towards me and right hand. Left hand towards me. Feel her chakras. Both Swadisthans.
Alganesh: Swadisthan and Mooladhara.
[Cut in the video]
Shri Mataji: Hum. Clear, she’s clear. Is there pain now? Press it. No pain.
Sahaja Yogi: No pain.
Shri Mataji: Now, put your right hand towards me. Left hand [unclear] Press it. Press it.
[Cut in the video]

Shri Mataji: Those who want to see can see.
[Cut in the video]

Sahaja Yogi: Not much, Shri Mataji.
Shri Mataji: You are feeling the cool breeze in your hands now? Little lower this side. Are you feeling the cool breeze?
Sahaja Yogi: A little bit, yes.
Shri Mataji: Sushumna.
[Cut in the video]
With a candle, water, and move the hands towards the photograph. See, her cheeks have become red. She should do it three days and she will be alright.
Sahaja Yogi: Two, three days.
[Cut in the video]

Keep on meditating.
[Cut in the video]

Sahaja Yogi: They grow in summer time [unclear]. It is smelling, it has a special smell.
Shri Mataji: Hum. It is not wine.
Sahaja Yogi: No, it is Kataya. We don’t know it in English. When we call ourselves kataya, it means that we are like this tree. We bend but we do not break.
Alganesh: It means that we bend but we don’t break.
Sahaja Yogi: Yes, we are very much like this.
Shri Mataji: Because they are tall …

[End of video]