Easter Puja: One has to have faith in one’s self Magliano Sabina Ashram, Magliano Sabina (Italy)

Transcript of Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 11 April 1993. We all have today gathered here on top of this beautiful mountain to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.It’s very significant for Sahaja Yogis to understand the great event of His resurrection by which He showed that the spirit does not die. He was — He was the Omkara. He was the Logos and He was the Spirit, that is why He could walk on the water.And also, now we have made a film where we have shown how the Mooladhara, which shows the carbon atom as clearly, if you see from the right to the left, you find a proper swastika there and left to the right we see Omkara. But when you see from downward upward, what you see is alpha and omega. That proves beyond doubt that Christ, as He said, “I am the alpha and I am the omega,” shows clearly that He was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a scientific proof you have now with us and that’s how we can tell people that it’s a fact. I don’t know, at the time of Christ this alpha and omega was known to the mathematicians, but definitely to Him when He said, “I am the alpha and the omega.” His was an incarnation very remarkable and very important for our ascent. If He had not resurrected Himself, we could not have achieved our ascent at all. So, it’s a great contribution. The resurrection of Christ Read More …